
In-vivo MR imaging and spectroscopy

Comparative studies on the adaptability of marine organisms require specialised techniques. Non-invasive methods such as MR imaging and spectroscopy allow integrative studies from the whole-animal to the cellular level to directly follow parameters such as ventilation, cardiac activity and energy metabolism in the organism.

Bottom-living fish such as the Antarctic eelpout can be examined in small aquaria in the MR tomograph without any problems. As an example, anatomical slice images of the Antarctic eelpout are shown here (see gallery).

On the images, the gills, brain, liver and stomach can be clearly distinguished from the muscle.

see also:

Mussel in the tube

A visit from Buten un Binnen. (only available in German)
Die Untersuchungsröhre des AWI-Kernspins hat einen kleineren Durchmesser, als die Röhren der Krankenhausgeräte. Doch der Behälter mit dem Fisch passt perfekt hinein.

A view inside – a fish in the NMR

What goes through a fish’s head when it swims through acidic water?
 Eine AWI-Mitarbeiterin sitzt im Labor und bereitet Proben vor Probenvorbereitung für metabolomische Studien mit Hilfe der NMR-Spektroskopie

NMR laboratory

A look behind the scenes of the NMR laboratory.

Head of group
Dr. Christian Bock

Head of laboratory
Dr. Felizitas Wermter

M.Sc. Nina Paul
M.Sc. Nicole Vogt
Anette Tillmann