30. May 2022
Online news

Polarstern back in Bremerhaven

Polarstern in Bremerhaven (Photo: Nina Machner)

Polarstern returned to its home port of Bremerhaven on Sunday with the afternoon high tide after a successful Antarctic season. On board were 19 young scientists and experts, among others, who taught them the basics of marine research disciplines on the return transit from Antarctica.

The research icebreaker spent almost six months in the southern hemisphere. The two Antarctic expeditions were dominated by geoscientific and oceanographic research, and each also had other disciplines on board.

Polarstern will spend the next four weeks in the Lloyd Werft shipyard for routine maintenance and repair work. One week of this will be spent in dry dock, where, among other things, a window located under the ship for scientific measurements will be repaired and the stern thrusters, which were overhauled last year, will be serviced. At the end of June, Polarstern will set sail for Greenland to investigate processes in the ice margin zone off northeast Greenland and north of Spitsbergen.

Interested parties can find the ship's route, weather conditions and pictures and reports from on board in the Polarstern app: https://follow-polarstern.awi.de/



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