04. December 2017
Online news

Business as usual would not be sustainable

How the oceans can help satisfy the global demond for food
[Translate to English:] Wie können die Ozeane als Nahrungsquelle nachhaltig genutzt werden? Das europäische Konsortium SAPEA hat dazu jetzt ein Gutachten vorgelegt. (Photo: Alfred Wegener Institut)

How can the oceans help satisfy the global demond for food. This question has been examined in the first Evidence Review Report by SAPEA (Science Advice for Policy by European Academies) titled Food from the Oceans.

The report warns that in our extraction of food from the oceans, ‘business as usual’ is not sustainable from social, economic and environmental viewpoints. The report suggests a number of options. It states that the only way to obtain significantly more food and biomass sustainably from the ocean is to harvest seafood that on average is from a lower trophic level (lower in the food chain) than we currently harvest.

To produce Food from the Oceans, SAPEA worked with academies across Europe and the European Academy Networks to bring together experts in a range of disciplines. One of these experts was Gesche Krause, social scientist at the Alfred Wegener Institute.

More information: Science Advice for Policy by European Academies



Gesche Krause

Press Office

Nadine Michel