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Ocean Warming and Thawing Permafrost Reduce the Arctic Ocean's Biological Carbon Storage and CO2 Uptake
The Arctic experiences some of the most rapid climate changes on the planet, resulting in significant sea-ice melt. This transformation exposed the Arctic Ocean to increasing sunlight, driving a 56% rise in organic matter production through photosynthesis (net primary production) over the past two decades, according to remote-sensing studies. At the same time, permafrost thaw is accelerating due to warming, releasing more nutrients and carbon into the Arctic Ocean, delivered from rivers and coastal erosion. While it might seem logical that these…
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Marked decrease in Arctic pressure ridges
In the Arctic, the old, multiyear ice is increasingly melting, dramatically reducing the frequency and size of pressure ridges. These ridges are created when ice floes press against each other and become stacked, and are a characteristic feature of Arctic sea ice, an obstacle for shipping, but also an essential component of the ecosystem. In a recently released study in the journal Nature Climate Change, experts from the Alfred Wegener Institute report on this trend and analyse observational data from three decades of aerial surveys.
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The new Polarstern: Contract for new German research icebreaker awarded
Good news for the German research fleet, German shipbuilding, and international polar research alike: the new Polarstern will be constructed in Wismar by thyssenkrupp Marine Systems. company received the official contract to construct a new research icebreaker from the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) today, marking the end of a two and a half-year-long Europe-wide call for tenders. The new flagship of German climate research will cost an estimated 1.185 billion euros. Following five years of construction, she is to be handed over to the research…
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ES&T Best Paper Award 2023
The "ES&T Best Paper Award 2023" is a prestigious award presented annually by the journal Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T). The award recognises outstanding scientific papers that make a significant contribution to research in the field of environmental science and technology. This year, a study on plastic pollution, in which Sebastian Primpke from the AWI was involved, was selected as one of the award winners.
![Mussels [Translate to English:] Miesmuscheln](/fileadmin/_processed_/e/3/csm_0000_Miesmuscheln_AlphaVentusFundamenten_RKrone_e7b61278fe.jpg)
Are particle emissions from offshore wind farms harmful for blue mussels?
After several years of service under harsh weather conditions, the rotor blades of offshore wind parks are subjected to degradation and surface erosion, releasing sizeable quantities of particle emissions into the environment. A team of researchers led by the Alfred Wegener Institute has now investigated the effects of these particle on blue mussels – a species also being considered for the multi-use of wind parks for aquaculture. In the experiment, the mussels absorbed metals from the rotor blades’ coatings, as the team describes in a study just…
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KomSO kick-off meeting
KomSO - a new cooperation under the Federal Environment Ministry's Natural Climate Protection Action Programme (ANK): The kick-off meeting took place from 5 to 6 December 2024 at the HWK in Delmenhorst. The project is funded by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) and coordinated by Sabine Kasten from the AWI. The aim is to investigate the carbon storage capacity of marine sediments in the German Baltic Sea in order to identify areas with particularly high climate protection potential. More information.

Rapid surge in global warming mainly due to reduced planetary albedo
Rising sea levels, melting glaciers, heatwaves at sea – 2023 set a number of alarming new records. The global mean temperature also rose to nearly 1.5 degrees above the preindustrial level, another record. Seeking to identify the causes of this sudden rise has proven a challenge for researchers. After all, factoring in the effects of anthropogenic influences like the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, of the weather phenomenon El Niño, and of natural events like volcanic eruptions, can account for a major portion of the warming. But…
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![Fin whale [Translate to English:] Finnwale in der Antarktis](/fileadmin/_processed_/e/7/csm_2019_Polarstern_PS112_AlfredWegenerInstitut_008_9fa4f06d2b.jpg)
Occurrence of blue and fin whales in the Arctic
The long-term analysis of blue whale and fin whale vocalisations in the eastern Fram Strait offers valuable insights into seasonal and annual patterns regarding these species’ occurrence in the region. For example, blue whales can primarily be heard in the summer and autumn, whereas the acoustic data on fin whales indicates that their occurrence is much longer and more variable. The unprecedented long-term dataset also confirms the sporadic occurrenceof blue whales – the largest fauna on the planet – during the winter months. The team of researchers, led…
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Prestigious honor for AWI Director
Prince Albert II of Monaco honors the merits of AWI Director Antje Boetius with her induction into the Order of St. Charles
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New DGP Managing Director
Frank Wilhelms, head of the Glaciology section and the Ice Core Group at the AWI, was unanimously elected as the new Managing Director of the German Society for Polar Research (DGP) at the general assembly. The DGP supports research in the polar regions through projects and the exchange of information and resources among scientists. The board would like to thank Ralf Tiedemann, who held the position from 2010 to 2024.