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13. REKLIM Regionalkonferenz
26. September 2024
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REKLIM conference on regional climate adaption

What challenges does climate change pose for northern and eastern Germany? What will water management look like in the future and what problems and solutions are there for human health? Current research findings on these questions were presented and discussed at the 13th REKLIM regional conference on 25 September in Berlin. Britta Behrendt, State Secretary for Climate Protection and the Environment, opened the event with around 250 participants. More information.
Plastic waste, washed ashore at the Sylt west beach.
25. September 2024
Press release

Citizen scientists help discover microplastics along the entire German coastline

The global production of plastics and the resulting plastic waste has increased to such an extent that plastics have become ubiquitous in our environment. Plastics of various sizes are also found along the German North Sea and Baltic coasts. Previous studies of microplastic pollution on German beaches have often been limited to a few locations. In the citizen science project “Microplastic Detectives”, researchers from the Alfred Wegener Institute, together with citizens, have now collected samples from beaches along the entire German coast to be analyzed…
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Mehrere atmosphärische Blockierungswetterlagen über Europa verstärkten, dass kalte Luft von der Arktis durch die Framstraße ins Europäische Nordmeer hineinströmt.
19. September 2024
Press release

Atmospheric blocking slows ocean-driven melting of Greenland’s largest glacier tongue

Northeast Greenland is home to the 79° N Glacier – the country’s largest floating glacier tongue, but also one seriously threatened by global warming: warm water from the Atlantic is melting it from below. Experts from the Alfred Wegener Institute have however now determined that the temperature of the water flowing into the glacier cavern declined from 2018 to 2021, even though the ocean has steadily warmed in the region over the past several decades. This could be due to temporarily changed atmospheric circulation patterns. In a study just released in…
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Seit der Entdeckung von Mikroben in den 1670er Jahren hat die Mikrobiologie in ihrer relativ kurzen Geschichte bemerkenswerte Fortschritte gemacht.
19. September 2024
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A new era in microbiology

Microbes were the only life form on Earth for most of the history of our planet. Even today, they still make up the majority of species that are vital to the health of our planet. They produce much of our oxygen, help plants grow, maintain biogeochemical cycles and thus sustain our ecosystems. A review in the journal Cell has now described the astonishing progress that microbiology has made in recent decades  Find out more
Since the discovery of microbes in the 1670s, microbiology has made remarkable progress in its relatively short history.
19. September 2024
Online news

From the very small to the big picture: A new era in microbiology

Microbes were the only life form on Earth for most of the history of our planet. Even today, they still make up the majority of species that are vital to the health of our planet. They produce much of our oxygen, help plants grow, maintain biogeochemical cycles and thus sustain our ecosystems. A. Murat Eren, a researcher at the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), the Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity (HIFMB), the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology (MPIMM) and the Carl von…
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Mikroskopieren von Planktonproben
16. September 2024
Online news

International Summer School: Offshore wind farms, an innovative and sustainable option for multi-use concepts?

The 21st Coastal Summer School, which brought 17 young researchers from eight countries to the Biological Institute Helgoland, came to an end. This year, the participants delved deep into topics relating to offshore wind farms and get an idea of how they can be integrated into ecosystems in various ways. The Alfred Wegener Institute, the Helmholtz Center Hereon and the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, together with other research institutions, gave participants theoretical and practical insights into their projects, while an industry…
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Group photo with the Award
11. September 2024
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Global Compact Award for Antje Boetius

AWI Director Antje Boetius has received the 6th international “Global Compact Award” from the TÜV Rheinland Foundation. This award recognizes the polar and deep-sea researcher's commitment to research work and communication. The TÜV Rheinland Foundation awards the prize, which is endowed with 25,000 euros, to individuals whose work demonstrates a comprehensive commitment to sustainability and the goals of the United Nations Global Compact.
Open day at the AWI Wadden Sea Station on Sylt
09. September 2024
Online news

Open Day at the Wadden Sea Station Sylt

The doors of our Wadden Sea Station on Sylt were open to the public on Saturday, 7 September - and the interest of Sylt residents, islanders and tourists in celebrating our 100th birthday was huge.
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[Translate to English:] Gruppenfoto mareXtreme
09. September 2024
Online news

Innovative approaches to dealing with marine natural hazards

While the warm Baltic Sea water is inviting for swimming, the warming of the sea also brings risks. Rising temperatures promote the spread of vibrios, bacteria that can cause serious infections. Such challenges require a deep understanding of the interactions between extreme marine events and natural hazards as well as their long-term consequences for humans and the environment. This is precisely where the research mission mareXtreme - Pathways to Improved Risk Management, coordinated at MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences at the University…
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European Polar Science Week 2024
04. September 2024
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European Polar Science Week 2024

The "European Polar Science Week" aims to bring together the European polar research community to discuss current research findings and future projects. The event is taking place from 3 to 6 September in Copenhagen. As a leading research institution in the field of polar and marine research, the AWI is also involved. On the first day, AWI Director Antje Boetius gave a presentation on the project "Antarctica InSync".