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 Ines Föllscher from the AWI Family Office accepts the "berufundfamilie" certificate.
26. June 2019
Online news

AWI receives audit berufundfamilie for the fifth time

Arranging work and family life is a high priority at all locations of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research. This is also proven by the repeated awarding of the berufundfamilie Service GmbH audit certificate, which has now been presented for the fifth time in a row to Winfried Hebold-Heitz and Ines Foellscher from the family office.
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During his visit, Alexander Gerst also visits the AWI laboratories.
14. June 2019
Online news

‘Astro-Alex’ visits the AWI

Fascinating insights and a friendly exchange: Geophysicist and astronaut Alexander Gerst recently paid a visit to his alma mater, the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI). Before an audience of ca. 200 members of staff, he gave an in-house talk on his work as ‘astro-Alex’ and exchanged ideas with the researchers in attendance.
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Together with Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, AWI Director Antje Boetius visited Iceland.
13. June 2019
Online news

German President and AWI Director visit Iceland

Together with a group of climate experts, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier visited Iceland from 12 to 14 June. Prof Antje Boetius, Director of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), accompanied the President at his request, in order to discuss global climate change and Germany’s contribution to climate protection.
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11. June 2019
Short news

Women in science celebrate World Oceans Day

AWI Vice Director Karen Wiltshire supports a UNESCO action on World Oceans Day 2019 with a video clip. Watch the video here.
Group photo of the conference in Potsdam.
11. June 2019
Online news

First conference for research software in Germany with AWI participation

Research Software Engineers (RSEs) - is how people who develop research software call themselves independent of their job title and degree. In the science park Albert Einstein in Potsdam now the first conference in Germany took place on the subject of research software. The Potsdam Research Centre of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) organized the conference together with the Gesellschaft für Informatik eV (GI) - Fachbereich Softwaretechnik (SWT), the de-RSE eV - Gesellschaft für Forschungssoftware , the…
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Julia Wright, Carsten Rüpke, René Söderman, Einar Gunnarsson and Antje Boetius discussed topics of the Arctic Council (from left). The event was moderated by Volker Rachold (pictured right).
07. June 2019
Online news

Together for a sustainable Arctic

In May 2019, the Chair of the Arctic Council was transferred from Finland to Iceland. To inform the German Arctic interested parties, the Arctic Office of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, has organized a symposium with the Finnish and Icelandic embassies and the Foreign Office.
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The aquarium shelf in the Center for Aquaculture Research at the AWI Bremerhaven.
06. June 2019
Online news

Start of the project "AquaVitae"

New types, processes and products that contribute to increasing production and improving sustainability in aquaculture value chains in the Atlantic: their introduction is the goal of the EU-funded project "AquaVitae".
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Sunny day at “Oldest Ice Reconnaissance” field camp in Dronning Maud Land. Drying laundry and sleeping cabin.
06. June 2019
Online news

The Epic search for oldest ice in Antarctica is starting

On 1 June 2019 the European Beyond EPICA Oldest Ice Core project started with the aim of drilling for and recovering ice from up to 1.5 Million years ago in Antarctica. The previous EPICA project recovered ice from 800,000 years ago. Now scientists want to go BEYOND that.
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Marion's long-handle rattle (Macrostylis marionae) from the Puerto Rico ditch in the Atlantic (8338 m depth). At present, 90 species are described in the group of long-handled clams, and over 100 other species have been discovered in recent years. A multiple of this, it is expected, remains to be discovered. Scale = 250 μm.
05. June 2019
Online news

Pressure from the deep sea

Deep-sea taxonomy: this was the theme of a workshop in which 27 scientists from 12 countries discussed the future direction of their field of specialization, including Melissa Käß, scientist at the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI). Among other things, researchers are calling for greater digitization, greatly improved financial resources for taxonomic projects and an increase in jobs in this area.
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A CPR (Continuous Plankton Recorder) is being prepared for deployment.
03. June 2019
Press release

An international team of young researchers on board the Polarstern

25 young scientists from around the globe are currently taking part in a month-long expedition from the Falkland Islands to Bremerhaven on board the research icebreaker Polarstern as part of a summer school. On the ‘South-North Atlantic Training Transect’ they will gain unique insights into the marine sciences and engage in short projects on interactions between the ocean, atmosphere and climate.
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