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30. June 2022
Short news

Camilla Plastic Ocean Plan

Can art help to awaken the motivation and courage for change towards a more sustainable lifestyle? This question is addressed by the new foyer exhibition at the Filmmuseum Potsdam, which will be opened on June 30 by, among others, the head of the AWI Research Center Potsdam, Bernhard Diekmann, and in which AWI scientist Lars Gutow has also participated. Further information
[Translate to English:] Eisreiche Permafrostböden auf Bol'shoy Lyakhovsky, Neusibirische Inseln
29. June 2022
Press release

Thawing Permafrost is Shaping the Global Climate

How is climate change affecting the permanently frozen soils of the Arctic? What will the consequences be for the global climate, human beings, and ecosystems? And what can be done to stop it? In the journal Frontiers in Environmental Science, a team of experts led by Benjamin Abbott from Brigham Young University, USA and Jens Strauss from the Alfred Wegener Institute in Potsdam summarise the current state of knowledge on these questions. In addition, an AWI group led by Moritz Langer has now created an interactive map of the past and future of…
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[Translate to English:] Polarstern in Bremerhaven
28. June 2022
Press release

Polarstern Expedition to the Arctic Ice

Today, the research vessel Polarstern will depart on a seven-week-long voyage to the Arctic, where the onset of summer also marks the beginning of the annual sea-ice melting. Over the past 40 years, the summer sea-ice extent has decreased by 40 percent – making it one of the most visible impacts of climate change. In a process study to be conducted in the marginal ice zone, the team of researchers on board will investigate how heat fluxes and water layering in the ocean, as well as the characteristics of the ice, interact and influence melting. A further…
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23. June 2022
Short news

Trust in Science, Trust in Chemistry

As part of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting 2022, the panel discussion on Trust in Science, Trust in Chemistry will take place on June 26 at 3 p.m. AWI Director Antje Boetius will participate together with Sophie Marie Gutenthaler, María Clara Miserendino, Venki Ramakrishnan and Brian Schmidt, moderated by Adam Smith. The event will be broadcast live
[Translate to English:] Grünalge
23. June 2022
Online news

Seaweed Week in Bremerhaven

For the first time, the city will host events on algae research and innovations: the SeaStrains Workshop and the 11th International Seaweed Conference EU “Seagriculture”
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Medal with engraving
17. June 2022
Short news

Hans-Otto Pörtner honored for commitment to climate research

As part of the IOC (Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission) Executive Council meeting, the "Roger Revelle Memorial Lecture" was held in Paris. As this year's dignitary, AWI scientist Hans-Otto Pörtner delivered the lecture, who was recognized for his leading role in climate science and his contribution to climate negotiations and IPCC reports. The Roger Revelle Lecture has been held since 1991 and recognizes inspiring researchers in the ocean sciences.
[Translate to English:] Floe Map
16. June 2022
Press release

5th Anniversary of the German Arctic Office

The Arctic as a hotspot of climate change has become a topic of growing geopolitical and commercial interest over the past several years. What happens in the Arctic doesn’t stay in the Arctic – the effects of changes taking place near the North Pole can be felt around the globe. This also extends to the political and economic level: the retreating ice offers unprecedented access to the region for tourism, trade and natural resource exploration, raising new geopolitical and geostrategic questions, while also necessitating action and cooperation. The…
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AWI-Direktorin Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius
15. June 2022
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New Board Members for the German Committee for UNICEF

On 14 June 2022, the General Assembly of UNICEF Germany took place, at which the German Committee, as a volunteer body, elected two new members to the Board, AWI Director Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius and Dr. Christine Bortenlänger. The committee was again able to achieve large donations in 2021 and thus support UNICEF programmes worldwide. Among other things, the money was used to support India in its fight against the Corona pandemic and UNICEF was able to establish further aid structures in crisis areas.
Group photo
10. June 2022
Short news

Visit to the AWI

Man kann im Logbuch schreiben, dass es sich um einen offiziellen Besuch der Argentinier für Gespräche zur gemeinsamen Zusammenarbeit sowie künftigen internationalen Kooperationen handelt.
AWI-Direktorin Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius
09. June 2022
Short news

"Protecting the climate and oceans"

At the award ceremony for the Weser-Elbe Business Prize on 9 June, AWI Director Antje Boetius will give a lecture on the topic of "Protecting the climate and oceans - a human mission". The prize is awarded every three years and recognizes outstanding entrepreneurial achievements in the entire Weser-Elbe region; a jury made up of politicians, business leaders and scientists decides on the award. After the award ceremony in 2021 was postponed due to Corona, the event will take place again this year in Bremerhaven's Stadttheater.