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23. September 2019
Online news

Antje Boetius at United Nations

AWI director Antje Boetius currently participates as an ocean expert in the Action Platform for Sustainable Ocean Business at the United Nations in New York.
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The German research vessel Polarstern during an expedition into the central Arctic Ocean.
20. September 2019
Press release

This Evening Sees the Start of MOSAiC – the Greatest Arctic Research Expedition of All Time

After a decade of preparations, it’s finally time: this evening at 8:30 p.m. the German icebreaker Polarstern will depart from the Norwegian port of Tromsø. Escorted by the Russian icebreaker Akademik Fedorov, she will set sail for the Central Arctic. On board researchers will investigate a region that is virtually inaccessible in winter, and which is crucial for the global climate. They will gather urgently needed data on the interactions between the atmosphere, ocean and sea ice, as well as on the ecosystem. Thanks to the collaboration between…
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Sediments from Lake Czechowskie in the Tuchola Forest, Poland, allow for the high-resolution reconstruction of past forest fires in a region dominated by pine monocultures sensitive to the ongoing environmental change.
17. September 2019
Online news

Researchers see need for action on forest fire risk

How do humans affect forest fires? And what can we learn from forest fires in the past for the future of forestry? An international team of researchers led by Elisabeth Dietze, formerly at the German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ in Potsdam and now at the Alfred Wegener Institute - Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, now provides new answers to these questions. The research team has shown for a region in north-eastern Poland that forest fires increasingly occurred there after the end of the 18th century with the change to organised…
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Anyone can follow the expedition live on the mobile with the MOSAiC web app.
16. September 2019
Online news

Follow Polarstern’s drift live on your mobile device

An expedition of superlatives: MOSAiC poses a big challenge to all international scientists involved: The drift of Polarstern will be determined by nature and can only be estimated so far in advance. To allow everyone interested to join this exciting expedition live, the MOSAiC web application will launch on the 20th of September, including all features.
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Diese Aufnahme stammt aus der IceCam des EM-Birds, einem Meereisdickensensor, der unter einem Hubschrauber hängend über das Meereis geflogen wird. Die Kamera ist derart in das Geräte eingebaut, dass sie immer senkrecht in die Tiefe fotografiert.

This image was taken with the IceCam, installed in the hull of the EM-Bird, the AWI sea ice thickness measuring sensor, which in pulled underneath a helicopter above the sea ice to measure its thickness. The camera points vertically downwards and takes photos of the area directly underneath the bird.
13. September 2019
Press release

Low sea-ice cover in the Arctic

The sea-ice extent in the Arctic is nearing its annual minimum at the end of the melt season in September. Only circa 3.9 million square kilometres of the Arctic Ocean are covered by sea ice any more, according to researchers from the Alfred Wegener Institute and the University of Bremen. This is only the second time that the annual minimum has dropped below four million square kilometres since satellite measurements began in 1979.
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Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius,deutsche Meeresbiologin und Professorin der Universität Bremen,
seit November 2017 leitet sie das Alfred-Wegener-Institut in Bremerhaven.
Geboren: 5. März 1967 (Alter 51 Jahre), Frankfurt am Main
Ausbildung: Universität Hamburg
Feld: Meeresbiologie
Auszeichnungen: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis, Gustav-Steinmann-Medaille,Deutscher Umweltpreis 2018
13. September 2019
Short news

AWI Director gives lecture

Antje Boetius gives a lecture on 13.9.19, from 18:45 on the topic "Science of Arctic Change - What the North Pole has got to do with us" at the Institut français Bremen. All interested are welcome. Organizer is the Cosmopolitan Ladies Club Bremen.
AWI Director at "Science for Future" in China
09. September 2019
Online news

AWI Director as a lecturer in Beijing

The National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) organize the conference series "Science for Future".
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Symbolbild Klimamodellierung

Image climate modeling.
04. September 2019
Press release

New Climate Model for the IPCC

Researchers from the Alfred Wegener Institute now, for the first time, feed the results from their global models directly into the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change database. The data is particularly interesting because the underlying model, developed at the AWI, depicts the sea ice and the oceans with far greater definition than conventional methods. The results are used by climate scientists and stakeholders around the globe to determine the effects of climate change on humans and the environment.
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Besatzungsmitglieder ziehen ein Multinetz an Bord. Es besteht aus
fünf Netzen, mit denen die Forscher über fünf verschiedene Horizonte der Wassersäule hauptsächlich Zooplankton fangen.

Crew members pull a multi net onboard. It consits of five nets, which are used to catch zooplankton in five different horizons of the water column.

Fotos von der Polarstern-Expedition ARK-XXVII-1 im Sommer 2012 (14. Juni - 15. Juli 2012, Bremerhaven-Longyearbyen); 

Ozeanografie: Projekt ACOBAR - Messung von Salzgehalt, Sauerstoff und Wassertemperatur an 80 Stationen entlang eines Schnittes bei 78°50' N;

Biologie: Netzfänge und Sedimentprobennahme an den Stationen; Amphipoden-Untersuchungen (PECABO); Beobachtungen von Seevögeln und Meeressäugern; 


Photo taken by Sebastian Menze during the Polarstern expedition ARK-XXVII-1 in summer 2012 into the Fram Strait, duration: 14th June - 15th July 2012
29. August 2019
Press release

Anniversary in the far north

20 years ago, scientists from the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) laid the “foundation stone” for a unique long-term observatory in the partly ice-covered Fram Strait between Greenland and Svalbard, which they call their HAUSGARTEN. The deep-sea observatory is the first, and still the only one of its kind for year-round physical, chemical and biological observations in a polar region. Here researchers investigate how a polar marine ecosystem alters in a period of global change. 
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The submersible MARUM-QUEST collects sediment samples at oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico.
20. August 2019
Online news

All-in-one: New microbe degrades oil to gas

The tiny organisms cling to oil droplets and perform a great feat: As a single organism, they may produce methane from oil by a process called alkane disproportionation. Previously this was only known from symbioses between bacteria and archaea. Scientists from Joint Re­search Group for Deep-Sea Eco­logy and Tech­no­logy of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) and the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology (MPI), have now found cells of this microbe called  Methanoliparia in oil reservoirs worldwide.
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