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Thin ice at the Deutsches Museum
The special exhibition on the MOSAiC expedition has moved on from Berlin to Munich: under the motto “Join us on a climate expedition!”, the exhibition invites visitors to the Deutsches Museum Verkerhtszentrum to step aboard the Polarstern and recreate an expedition. From polar clothing and sledges to many measuring instruments, many original items from the “MOSAiC” Arctic expedition are on display. “Thin Ice” is primarily aimed at children and can be seen from now until November 9, 2025. More information.
![Polarstern leaves Bremerhaven [Translate to English:] Polarstern](/fileadmin/_processed_/3/d/csm_20190810_Polarstern_starts_in_Bremerhaven_for_Arctic_expedition_049_FMehrtens_36d52822fc.jpg)
Student training on Polarstern’s transit to the Antarctic
This weekend, the research vessel Polarstern is scheduled to depart from her homeport in Bremerhaven. In addition to the crew, 33 scientific expedition participants will be on board – primarily young researchers whose job it will be to familiarise themselves with using echosounders to survey the ocean floor.
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Highly Cited Researchers 2024
The Highly Cited Researchers list is an annual award from Clarivate that recognises the world's leading scientists who have demonstrated a significant and broad impact in their field of research through their published work. This year's list includes four AWI scientists: Hans-Otto Pörtner, Guido Grosse, Sebastian Primpke and Gunnar Gerdts. With their outstanding research achievements, they contribute to the scientific debate in their fields.

Fresh water slows down oceanic conveyor belt
The retreat of Arctic sea ice and the melting of land ice sheets around Greenland lead to more and more freshwater flowing into the Atlantic Ocean. A recent study by AWI climate modeler Qiyun Ma provides brand new insights into how freshwater released from different regions affects and weakens the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). The study identifies the Irminger Basin as the region most responsive to additional freshwater and as a key driver of AMOC changes. Regarding the potential slowdown of the AMOC in the future, the authors…

Turning point in global fossil CO2 emissions has not yet been reached
Despite advances in clean and renewable energies, the growing consumption of oil and natural gas is causing global fossil emissions to climb: by the end of 2024, they are expected to increase by 0.8 percent to 37.4 billion metric tons of CO2 . The emissions from coal will increase slightly (by 0.2 percent). Despite the urgent need to reduce emissions and slow climate change, there is no indication that a turning point has been reached in fossil CO2 emissions worldwide. This is the conclusion of the Global Carbon Project, which researchers from the Alfred…
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![Presumed tree bark fragments [Translate to English:] Vermutliche Baumrindenfragmente](/fileadmin/_processed_/4/8/csm_Klages_etal_Amber_inclusions_unmarked_dda9cb3a3e.jpg)
First amber find on the Antarctic continent
Roughly 90 million years ago, climatic conditions in Antarctica were suitable for resin-producing trees. A team of researchers led by the Alfred Wegener Institute and the TU Bergakademie Freiberg have just released a paper in the journal Antarctic Science, in which they describe the southernmost discovery of amber in the world.
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![Precipitation amounts September 2024 [Translate to English:] Beobachtung Starktregen Europa September 2024](/fileadmin/_processed_/5/0/csm_2024_HeavyRainSeptember_MarylouAthanase_87ef667179.jpg)
How much climate change is in the weather?
Only a few weeks ago, massive precipitation produced by the storm “Boris” led to chaos and flooding in Central and Eastern Europe. An analysis conducted by the Alfred Wegener Institute shows that in a world without the current level of global warming Boris would have deposited roughly nine percent less rain. Such conclusions can be drawn thanks to a new modelling approach called ‘storylines’. How it can be used in near-real-time was just presented in the Nature journal Communications Earth & Environment. At the same time, the AWI team released a freely…
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Hans-Otto Pörtner reappointed to the German Advisory Council on Global Change
AWI scientist Hans-Otto Pörtner has been reappointed by Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke and Federal Research Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger as a member of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU). The appointment is valid from November 1, 2024 to October 31, 2028. In addition to the AWI climate researcher, there are eight other members of the WBGU.

Deep-sea corals are home to previously unknown bacteria with extremely small genomes
Oldenburg. A German-American research team led by Professor Iliana Baums from the Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity at the University of Oldenburg (HIFMB) and Dr Samuel Vohsen from Lehigh University in the US has discovered two highly unusual bacterial species in the tissue of two deep-sea corals from the Gulf of Mexico. These previously unknown coral symbionts have an extremely reduced genome and lack the ability to obtain energy from carbohydrates, the team reports in an article published in the scientific journal Nature…
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Domino Effect in the Amazon Region
The Amazon region is a global hotspot of biodiversity and plays a key role in the climate system because of its ability to store large amounts of carbon and its influence on the global water cycle. The rain forest is threatened, however, by climate change as well as by intensified deforestation activities. An international team of researchers that includes scientists from MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, the Geosciences Department, the Institute for Environmental Physics of the University of Bremen and the Alfred Wegener Institute, have…
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