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Antje Boetius, Ole Misund and John Guldahl sign the Memorandum of Understanding
03. May 2023
Short news

AWI and NPI sign Memorandum of Understanding

Norsk Polarinstitutt (NPI) and AWI have signed a Memorandum of Understanding in Berlin, reaffirming their cooperation. The occasion was the 250th birthday of Henrik Steffens, once professor and rector of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU). At the event hosted by the HU's Nordeuropa-Institut, AWI Director Antje Boetius gave a joint presentation with NPI Director Ole Misund on "Polar missions - Current and future drivers of international collaboration in polar science." 
[Translate to English:] Analyse Mikropartikel
02. May 2023
Online news

Microplastics: From detection to prevention

Thousands of tonnes of microplastics are emitted in the German-Danish border region every year. The PlastTrack project, funded by the European Union as part of Interreg Deutschland-Danmark programme, investigates potential dangers for the environment and us humans. The institutions involved also develop tools to monitor and combat plastic pollution in the region. The project is led by the Southern Danish University (SDU) in Sønderborg. On the German side, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel contributes knowledge on the detection of tiny…
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Makroalga Sargassum natans
27. April 2023
Press release

New Start-up develops aquafarms for macroalgae

The company MACROCARBON SL has just been founded in Las Palmas, on the Canary Islands. It is a spin-off from the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) and Carbonwave. The start-up is developing algae farms, in which the macroalgae Sargassum will be cultivated. These algae simultaneously bind large amounts of CO2 and produce new raw materials for the chemical industry.
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[Translate to English:] Sicht auf Lidar-System KARL, der deutsch-französischen Forschungsbasis AWIPEV, Ny Alesund Spitzbergen
26. April 2023
Online news

Infrastructure for atmospheric research launched

The European Commission has officially established ACTRIS as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC). With its ERIC status, ACTRIS is now officially recognised as a European research infrastructure for atmospheric research. It provides science, industry and public authorities with access to a wide range of high-quality data, technologies, services and resources, and to promote cutting-edge research and international cooperation in the field of atmospheric research.
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Melosira Arctica
21. April 2023
Press release

Arctic ice algae heavily contaminated with microplastics

The alga Melosira arctica, which grows under Arctic sea ice, contains ten times as many microplastic particles as the surrounding seawater. This concentration at the base of the food web poses a threat to creatures that feed on the algae at the sea surface. Clumps of dead algae also transport the plastic with its pollutants particularly quickly into the deep sea - and can thus explain the high microplastic concentrations in the sediment there. Researchers led by the Alfred Wegener Institute have now reported this in the journal Environmental Science and…
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Bizarre ice formation
20. April 2023
Press release

The climate crisis and biodiversity crisis can’t be approached as two separate things

Anthropogenic climate change has, together with the intensive use and destruction of natural ecosystems through agriculture, fishing and industry, sparked an unprecedented loss of biodiversity that continues to worsen. In this regard, the climate crisis and biodiversity crisis are often viewed as two separate catastrophes. An international team of researchers led by Hans-Otto Pörtner from the Alfred Wegener Institute calls for adopting a new perspective. In their review study just released in the journal Science, they recommend (in addition to complying…
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North Sea Wrecks Abschlussonferenz
20. April 2023
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Symposium North Sea Wrecks

Wie bedenklich sind die Munitionsreste zweier Weltkriege, die noch immer in alten Wracks am Grund der Nordsee und anderen Meeren liegen?
Abriss Altes Aquarium
18. April 2023
Press release

Make Way for the BLUEHOUSE

The demolition now underway on Helgoland will make room for construction of the BLUEHOUSE, which will offer a uniquely interactive permanent exhibition on marine research. Its 600 square metres of exhibition space will be home to various exhibits designed to promote learning and discovery.
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[Translate to English:] Weddellrobbe
17. April 2023
Press release

Less Ice, Fewer Calling Seals

For several years, a team of researchers from the Alfred Wegener Institute used underwater microphones to listen for seals at the edge of the Antarctic. Their initial findings, just released in the journal Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, indicate that sea-ice retreat has had significant effects on the animals’ behaviour: when the ice disappears, areas normally full of vocalisations become very quiet.
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Arrival of Polarstern in Bremerhaven
11. April 2023
Short news

Polarstern back in Bremerhaven

Polarstern returned to her home port of Bremerhaven with the morning tide today after a seven month Antarctic expedition and is now being unloaded. The ship will spend the next few weeks at Lloyd Werft for routine maintenance and repairs before departing for the Arctic again at the end of May.