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25. February 2021
Short news

Virtual lecture series with Antje Boetius

The Max Planck Society is launching a new virtual lecture series on topics of environmental relevance. AWI director Antje Boetius will kick off the series on February 25 at 5 pm with a lecture on “Sustainability and the oceans – how polar and marine life respond to anthropogenic impact”. Afterwards, audience members are invited to join the discussion on the topic. You can join the lecture via a zoom link on the website, the event is open to the public.
[Translate to English:] Piedmont-Gletscher im Nordosten Grönlands
23. February 2021
Press release

‘Missing Ice Problem’ Finally Solved

During glacial periods, the sea level falls, because vast quantities of water are stored in the massive inland glaciers. To date, however, computer models have been unable to reconcile sea-level height with the thickness of the glaciers. Using innovative new calculations, a team of climate researchers led by the Alfred Wegener Institute has now managed to explain this discrepancy. The study, which was recently published in the journal Nature Communications, could significantly advance research into our planet’s climate history.
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[Translate to English:] Kauri-Baum
18. February 2021
Press release

42,000-year-old sub-fossil trees allow more accurate analysis of the last reversal of the Earth's magnetic field

The last complete reversal of the Earth's magnetic field, the so-called Laschamps event, took place 42,000 years ago. Radiocarbon analyses of the remains of kauri trees from New Zealand now make it possible for the first time to precisely time and analyse this event and its associated effects, as well as to calibrate geological archives such as sediment and ice cores from this period. Simulations based on this show that the strong reduction of the magnetic field had considerable effects in the Earth's atmosphere. This is shown by an international team…
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HIFMB Oldenburg
17. February 2021
Press release

Alfred Wegener Institute Now Also Represented in Lower Saxony

As of 1 January 2021, Lower Saxony is part of the federal and state financing for the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI). The inclusion of the Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity, co-founded with the University of Oldenburg in 2017, means that there are now AWI sites in four states.
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Porträtaufnahme von Antje Boetius
15. February 2021
Short news

Symposium: How relevant is design in crisis situations?

On Friday, 12.02.2021, the Folkwang University of the Arts organized an online symposium on the topic “Emergency – How relevant is design in crisis situations?”. The students took a closer look at the relationship of art and design to crises and set up a diverse program on the day of the symposium. AWI Director Prof. Dr Antje Boetius also participated with a lecture entitled “Designing the path to future”. 
[Translate to English:] Bundesverdeinstkreuz für Arktisforscher
11. February 2021
Online news

Federal Cross of Merit for polar researchers from Russia and Potsdam

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier awarded Prof. Dr. Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten and Prof. Dr. Michail Nikolaewitsch Grigoriev the Federal Cross of Merit 1st Class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in recognition of their longstanding work in the field of German-Russian cooperation.
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Markus Rex during his talk
10. February 2021
Short news

MOSAiC talk at the SMM

MOSAiC expedition leader Markus Rex gave a lecture on the Arctic research expedition at the SMM. The trade fair is considered the world's leading trade fair for the maritime industry and was held as a purely digital conference for the first time this year. The patron of SMM Digital was the Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel. The MOSAiC lecture is available online.
Weddell Seal
04. February 2021
Press release

The Marine Soundscape and Anthropogenic Noise

Due to construction work in the sea, shipping, and gas and oil extraction, the oceans are becoming increasingly louder. A comprehensive international study has now shown that this noise affects the behaviour of far more animal species than previously assumed. The researchers call for us to listen closely to the ocean and to finally regulate noise worldwide. Viable technological solutions are already available.
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03. February 2021
Press release

The Arctic Ocean was covered by a shelf ice and filled with freshwater

The Arctic Ocean was covered by up to 900 m thick shelf ice and was filled entirely with freshwater at least twice in the last 150,000 years. This surprising finding, reported in the latest issue of the journal Nature, is the result of long-term research by scientists from the Alfred Wegener Institute and the MARUM. With a detailed analysis of the composition of marine deposits, the scientists could demonstrate that the Arctic Ocean as well as the Nordic Seas did not contain sea-salt in at least two glacial periods. Instead, these oceans were filled with…
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[Translate to English:] Polarstern-Winterexperiment
28. January 2021
Press release

Climate Research in the Southern Ocean

The Alfred Wegener Institute has risen to the challenge of undertaking an expedition to the Weddell Sea in the Antarctic under pandemic conditions. Consequently, the participants in this year’s first Polarstern expedition will be able to resume their long-term measurements in the Southern Ocean, gathering data that forms the basis for our understanding of polar processes and for urgently needed climate forecasts.
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