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Close-up of the northwestern ice-sheet margin in Inglefield Land. The Hiawatha impact crater was discovered beneath the semi-circular ice margin. The structure is also imprinted on the shape of the ice surface, even though it lies nearly 1000 meters below the ice surface. Hiawatha is named after outlet glacier at the edge of the ice sheet. The name was given by Lauge Koch in 1922 during an expedition around northern Greenland, while thinking of the pre-colonial native American leader and co-founder of the Iroquois Confederacy.
15. November 2018
Press release

Massive meteorite impact crater discovered

An international research team has discovered a 31-km wide meteorite impact crater buried beneath the ice-sheet in northern Greenland. This is the first time that a crater of any size has been found under one of Earth’s continental ice sheets. The research aircraft Polar 6 from the Alfred Wegener Instittue verified the discovery with radar measurements. The research is described in a new study just published in the internationally recognized journal Science Advance.
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09. November 2018
Short news

Otto Schmidt Laboratory

The Advisory Board of the Otto Schmidt Laboratory (OSL) meets in St. Petersburg, the, i.a. with Dr. Aleksander Makarov (Director AARI), Prof. dr. Antje Boetius (Director AWI) and the new OSL Director Vasiliy Povazhnyi.
Die Teilnehmer der "Great Debate" (v.l.n.r.): das Astronauten-Team Joshua Kutryk, Christian Marois und Kathryn Sullivan; Moderator Jay Ingram; das Ozean-Team Antje Boetius, Mark Abbott und Boris Worm.
09. November 2018
Short news

Astronauts against Ozeanographers

„What is the next frontier – Space or Ocean?“ Zu dieser Frage ist AWI-Direktorin Antje Boetius zu einer Diskussion beim Ocean Frontier Institut angetreten.
Das Forschungsschiff Polarstern des Alfred-Wegener-Instituts verlässt seinen Heimathafen Bremerhaven.
07. November 2018
Press release

Research icebreaker Polarstern begins the Antarctic season

Due to retarded work on the Polarstern the departure is delayed - On Sunday, 11 November 2018, the research icebreaker Polarstern will leave its homeport of Bremerhaven, bound for Cape Town, South Africa. This will mark the beginning of its Antarctic season, in which oceanographic fieldwork in the Weddell Sea, a resupply mission to the Neumayer Station III, and explorations of the Larsen C ice shelf region and the South Shetland Islands are on the agenda. The ship is expected to return to Bremerhaven in June 2019.
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During the Antarctic summer of 2013/14 AWI experts used radar to survey Recovery Glacier from on board the research aeroplane Polar 6
07. November 2018
Press release

Far fewer lakes below the East Antarctic Ice Sheet than previously believed

In the course of an extensive Antarctic expedition, researchers from the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research recently investigated several lakes beneath Recovery Glacier that had been previously detected by satellite remote sensing. The experts found very few substantial bodies of water, which is a surprising result: up to that point, the scientific community had assumed that overflowing lakes below the East Antarctic Ice Sheet were the reason that ice masses began sliding and forming ice streams to begin with. This…
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Wolken über arktischem Meereis in der Framstraße.
Clouds above arctic sea ice in the Fram Strait

Fotos von der Polarstern-Expedition ARK-XXVII-1 im Sommer 2012 (14. Juni - 15. Juli 2012, Bremerhaven-Longyearbyen); 

Ozeanografie: Projekt ACOBAR - Messung von Salzgehalt, Sauerstoff und Wassertemperatur an 80 Stationen entlang eines Schnittes bei 78°50' N;

Biologie: Netzfänge und Sedimentprobennahme an den Stationen; Amphipoden-Untersuchungen (PECABO); Beobachtungen von Seevögeln und Meeressäugern; 


Photo taken by Sebastian Menze during the Polarstern expedition ARK-XXVII-1 in summer 2012 into the Fram Strait, duration: 14th June - 15th July 2012
29. October 2018
Online news

Close links between Europe and the Arctic

Warm, moist air masses from the lower latitudes are the main energy source for the Arctic atmosphere in winter; they have a significant influence on soil temperatures and can produce sea-ice melting. Because climate and weather models still have considerable difficulties when it comes to accurately depicting key processes involved in the transformation of these air masses, AWI researchers recently summarised the current state of knowledge and identified remaining gaps; their study has just been released in the journal Nature Geoscience.
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26. October 2018
Press release

"We need to make fundamental changes"

The EU wants to ban single-use, disposable products such as drinking straws and ear swabs, the goal being to reduce the amount of plastic litter in our oceans. We discussed this initiative with two experts from the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) – Dr Melanie Bergmann and Dr Lars Gutow.
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22. October 2018
Online news

Negotiations regarding an Antarctic Marine Protected Area

UPDATE from 6 November 2018:
At this year’s annual meeting of the international Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), negotiations continued regarding a proposed Marine Protected Area (MPA) in the Weddell Sea. Researchers from the Alfred Wegener Institute were instrumental in preparing the application for protected status, which was submitted in 2016. Unfortunately, this year’s negotiations were unsuccessful.
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POLARSTERN auf Eisstation

POLARSTERN on ice station.
17. October 2018
Online news

Politicians put the focus on Arctic research

On 25 and 26 October, the spotlight in Berlin will be on Arctic research. On the first day, the focus will be on the Arctic Science Forum, where experts from 20 nations, representatives of indigenous peoples, and NGOs will meet to discuss international collaboration in the context of Arctic research. On the second day, the 2nd Arctic Science Ministerial will convene, followed by public events that will round out the conference.
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Das Forschungsschiff Polarstern ist am Morgen des 16.10.2018 ist seinen Heimathafen Bremerhaven zurückgekehrt.
16. October 2018
Online news

Polarstern returns from geo-expedition in the Arctic

This morning, the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) research icebreaker Polarstern returned to her homeport in Bremerhaven. Over the previous six weeks, nearly 100 contributing researchers and crewmembers had engaged in geoscientific fieldwork, sea-ice experiments and meteorological research in the Central Arctic. In addition, students from the German-Canadian graduate training programme ArcTrain were on board.
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