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Low tide of the Elbe in Dresden.
07. December 2020
Press release

Central Europe: Dry Aprils pave the way for summer droughts

In the past 20 years, Central Europe has experienced six summer heat waves and droughts. Until now, however, it was unclear what factors led to these extreme events. Researchers from two Helmholtz Centres (AWI & UFZ) have now discovered that in Central Europe, temperature and precipitation patterns in April play a vital role in determining whether or not the soils are drier than average in the following summer. If the April is too warm, with little precipitation, a large proportion of the moisture stored in the soil evaporates, making a summer drought…
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IODP expedition 370 involved the scientific deep-sea drilling vessel Chikyu.
04. December 2020
Online news

How hot is too hot for life deep below the ocean floor?

At what depth beneath the seabed does it become so hot that microbial life is no longer possible? This question is the focus of a close scientific cooperative effort between the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) and MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences at the University of Bremen. An expedition by the drilling program IODP (International Ocean Discovery Program) in 2016, in which also an AWI scientist was involved, has provided new insights into the temperature limits of life beneath the ocean floor. The findings…
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False-color-composite Sentinel-2 satellite image of the study region in northwestern Alaska including the Seward and Baldwin Peninsulas. Image acquisition date 3 July 2018.
01. December 2020
Press release

Watching the Arctic Thaw in Fast-forward

The frozen permafrost in the Arctic is thawing on an alarming scale. By analysing an annual record of satellite images, researchers at the Alfred Wegener Institute have now confirmed these findings: thermokarst lakes in Alaska are draining one by one because warmer and wetter conditions cause deeper thaw, effectively weakening frozen ground as a barrier around lakes. In the season 2017/2018, lake drainage was observed on a scale that model outputs didn’t expect until the end of the century.
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[Translate to English:] Krabbenfischen für die Forschung
30. November 2020
Online news

Impact of bottom trawling on marine protected areas in the North Sea and Baltic Sea

Speakers from public authorities, politics, business, science and civil society discussed the challenges of fishing in and using the North Sea and Baltic Sea in sustainable ways What impact will the exclusion of bottom trawling have on marine protected areas in the German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the North Sea and Baltic Sea? Two pilot missions in the North Sea and Baltic Sea, which started in March, are examining this key question as part of the research mission “Protection and Sustainable Use of Marine Areas” of the German Marine Research…
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Taucher mit Austern am Meeresboden
18. November 2020
Short news

Collection of Publications on Oysters

The reintroduction of oysters into European waters is one of the main objectives of the Native Oyster Restoration Alliance (NORA). AWI scientists Bernadette Pogoda and Corina Peter are also playing a major role in this alliance. The Alliance has now published a comprehensive collection of publications on this topic in the journal "Aquatic Conservation": Unlocking the blueprint for native oyster restoration in Europe
Salmo salar
13. November 2020
Press release

Fighting the Salmon Louse

It’s a nightmare for fish breeders, causes damage amounting to millions, and is also a growing problem for wild salmon: the salmon louse is high on the list of notorious fish parasites. In a new project, experts at the AWI, together with several partners, are developing a new procedure that will rid the fish of these pesky nuisances more effectively and more gently.
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Ice floe in the arctic
10. November 2020
Online news

From White to Blue

The reason for the speed and severity of the abrupt climate fluctuations during the last glacial lies in the ocean. These are the findings of a new study by AWI researcher Henrik Sadatzki, which has now been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). The study shows that widespread sea-ice retreat occurred within a period of 250 years or less during the last glacial and repeatedly triggered abrupt climate fluctuations. This scientific breakthrough provides a significant new aspect in the long-standing debate concerning the…
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Antje Boetius and María Erla Marelsdóttir.
28. October 2020
Short news

Icelandic ambassador visits the AWI

The Icelandic ambassador María Erla Marelsdóttir visited the AWI: In a conversation with AWI Director Antje Boetius, she found out about the MOSAiC expedition. Moreover, the two exchanged ideas on the subject of the "Arctic Council". Because Iceland will chair the Arctic Council until 2021. In addition to the AWI, the ambassador visited other institutions in Bremerhaven.
Logo Arctic Circle
27. October 2020
Short news

Arctic Circle

Arctic Circle: A virtual talk about the largest Arctic research expedition of all time: AWI Director Antje Boetius and MOSAiC expedition leader Markus Rex talk about the MOSAiC expedition at "Arctic Circle virtual". The event will take place online on October 27th from 1 p.m. More information.
On the stage: Julia Vismann, Markus Rex, Antje Boetius und Philipp Grieß
26. October 2020
Short news

MOSAiC day in the Futurium

A whole day around the MOSAiC expedition: At the Futurium in Berlin, AWI scientists reported on their experiences on the MOSAiC expedition in the Arctic. During a panel discussion, expedition leader Markus Rex, AWI director Antje Boetius and director Philipp Grieß also showed impressive photos of the expedition. The interview is available online.