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08. June 2022
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The Ocean at re:publica 22

From 8 to 10 June, re:publica 22 will take place in Berlin, a festival for the digital society under the motto "Any Way the Wind Blows". AWI Director Antje Boetius will be directly involved in two sessions. At the panel discussion #derschwarmkommt, she will present – together with Frank Schätzing and Frank Doelger – the project around the ZDF thriller series "Der Schwarm". The second session is a lecture on the topic "Ocean Nexus - Decade of Decision".
Antje Boetius
07. June 2022
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Human and Nature: the Diversity of Human Cultures

On 7 June at 18:15, in the fifth lecture of the lecture series "Humans and Nature" of the Johannes Guttenberg Endowed Professorship, AWI Director Antje Boetius will meet her guest Johannes Krause, biochemist and MPI Director. Krause will speak on the topic of "The Genes of Humans" and the diversity of human cultures. Afterwards, he and Antje Boetius will discuss the question of whether we are on the brink of awakening or failure in our relationship to the interaction with the web of life. The event will be broadcast live online.
[Translate to English:] Bathymetrische Karte Südlicher Ozean
07. June 2022
Press release

The Southern Ocean as never seen before

The features of the ocean floor help determine how water masses and ocean currents move and how they affect our climate. Biodiversity is also influenced by seafloor landforms. Accordingly, having as precise information on the seafloor topography as possible is indispensable for oceanographic and climate research. With the second version of the International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean (IBCSO v2), an international group of researchers led by the Alfred Wegener Institute recently presented the best and most detailed seafloor map of the Southern…
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Polarstern winter experiment
03. June 2022
Press release

Polarstern II: German Bundestag greenlights the construction of new icebreaker

The Research Vessel Polarstern has been underway in the Arctic and Antarctic for 40 years now, giving experts from around the globe the opportunity to safely and effectively conduct research in two of the most extreme regions on our planet. It was instrumental in the Federal Republic of Germany assuming a leading role in polar and marine research shortly after becoming a consultative member of the Antarctic Treaty. To ensure this research is also possible in the future, and at the highest scientific and technological level, the Federal Ministry of…
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03. June 2022
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Space Club Kitchen

The club music dinner event "Space Club Kitchen" will take place on 3.6. from 19:30. AWI Director Antje Boetius joins astronaut Matthias Maurer, TV chef Tim Mälzer, violinist David Garrett and Bernd Breiter to bring together science, music and culinary arts. The music and cooking event from Frankfurt will be streamed on the "Space Club Kitchen" app." In addition, cooking will take place in selected official Club Kitchens around the globe. The teams from Polarstern, Neumayer Station III, AWIPEV and the submarine Lula 1000 have also prepared something.
Icebergs in the bay of Rothera
02. June 2022
Online news

Antarctica: coming to a postcode near you

Climate change is having significant impacts on life and nature in Antarctica. However, these changes do not stay in the south polar region, they have global impacts, right down to our own doorstep. This is shown by the new report of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, which was presented by Hans-Otto Pörtner, ecophysiologist at the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine research (AWI) at the 44th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM) in Berlin.
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AWI-Direktorin Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius
01. June 2022
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25th anniversary of two Max Planck Institutes in Jena

The Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry and for Chemical Ecology celebrate their 25th anniversary on June 1st. As part of the celebrations in Jena, AWI Director Antje Boetius will contribute to the program with a lecture in the morning. A guided tour of the institute for guests and staff will be offered in the afternoon. Further information
[Translate to English:] Polarstern in Bremerhaven
30. May 2022
Online news

Polarstern back in Bremerhaven

Polarstern returned to its home port of Bremerhaven on Sunday with the afternoon high tide after a successful Antarctic season. On board were 19 young scientists and experts, among others, who taught them the basics of marine research disciplines on the return transit from Antarctica.
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Logo hafið – Reflections of the Sea
25. May 2022
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About the importance of the sea for humankind

Under this motto, the Icelandic Embassy invites to two events in Bremerhaven's Fischbahnhof on May 30 and 31. In an exclusive preview, the Icelandic exhibition "hafið - Reflections of the Sea" will be shown. AWI director Antje Boetius and AWI photographer Esther Horvath will report about their work on May 30 from 6 pm. On May 31, the panel discussion "The Arctic Table" will take place starting at 10 am. More information about the event. Registration by e-mail:
Crooked wood images
25. May 2022
Press release

Siberian tundra could virtually disappear by mid-millennium

Due to global warming, temperatures in the Arctic are climbing rapidly. As a result, the treeline for Siberian larch forests is steadily advancing to the north, gradually supplanting the broad expanses of tundra which are home to a unique mix of flora and fauna. Experts from the Alfred Wegener Institute have now prepared a computer simulation of how these woods could spread in the future, at the tundra’s expense. Their conclusion: only consistent climate protection measures will allow roughly 30 percent of the Siberian tundra to survive to…
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