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A photograph of the research vessel Polarstern during the ArcWatch expedition that is shown in the SPIEGEL Chronicle 2023.
12. December 2023
Short news

SPIEGEL Chronicle 2023

At the end of the year, the magazine "DER SPIEGEL" has once again published a chronicle in which all the important events of the year are summarized in pictures and reports. A photograph of the research vessel Polarstern by AWI photographer Esther Horvath was selected for the pages of September. The picture was taken last summer during the ArcWatch expedition.
Caviar produced using the AWI method
12. December 2023
Short news

Sustainable caviar for the Nobel Prize ceremony

The Nobel Prize banquet is usually a culinary highlight - but never with caviar, because the roe was not sustainable and not originally produced in Sweden. Caviar produced according to the AWI's sustainable caviar production method, which does not kill the sturgeon, changes all that, and this year it was used for the first time by the star chefs at the Nobel Prize banquet.
Blick auf Arktisches Meereis
06. December 2023
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Global Tipping Points Report

The Global Tipping Points Report was presented at COP28 on 6 December 2023. The report is an authoritative assessment of the risks and opportunities of negative and positive tipping points in the Earth system and in society. Global Tipping Points is led by Prof. Tim Lenton from the Global Systems Institute at the University of Exeter and supported by more than 200 researchers from over 90 organisations in 26 countries. AWI researchers are also involved in the report.
AWI, Alfred Wegner Institute, Germany, climate research, eastGRIP, ice core, science
06. December 2023
Online news

Ice core processing at the AWI ice laboratories

At the AWI ice laboratories, part of an ice core from the North Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS) is currently being tested. The core was collected during “EastGRIP”, a joint project involving several international partners. Working together, they drilled to a depth of 2,668 metres, allowing them to penetrate the entire ice stream and reach the rocky substrate below. The analysis of the ice core is to yield new insights into the behaviour of ice streams and improve our grasp of how they could contribute to future sea-level rise. Another goal is to record past…
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[Translate to English:] Low Centre Polygons
05. December 2023
Online news

Fossil CO2 emissions reach record high

The time left to reach the climate goals of the Paris Agreement is running out fast. This is the conclusion of the latest Global Carbon Budget, which is published annually by the Global Carbon Project (GCP). The GCP is an association of international scientists with a large German contingent, including amongst others LMU geographers Julia Pongratz and Clemens Schwingshackl, who are part of the core writing team, and AWI scientist Judith Hauck. According to the report, global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel use will amount to 36.8 billion metric…
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Anna Natalie Meyer with certificate on stage
30. November 2023
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„Wissen der Vielen“ prize for Artic project

Biologin Anna Natalie Meyer vom AWI ist eine der ersten Preisträger:innen des Preises „Wissen der Vielen“ für Citizen Science. Der Preis wurde 2023 zum ersten Mal ausgeschrieben und ehrt herausragende wissenschaftliche Leistungen. Er wurde am 29. November auf dem Forum Citizen Science in Freiburg im Breisgau verliehen. Anna Natalie Mayer erhielt den 3. Preis für ihren Beitrag über die Untersuchung von Plastikmüll an arktischen Stränden auf Spitzbergen, den sie zusammen mit Birgit Lutz und Melanie Bergmann veröffentlicht hat. Ein wichtiger Teil des…
Group photo of the panel discussion
29. November 2023
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Arctic Dialogue

AWI Director Antje Boetius took part in the "Arctic Dialogue" in Ottawa: The German and French Embassies in Canada organized an intensive dialogue on the challenges of the Arctic as part of "Beyond the Ice: A deep dive into the ecological and geopolitical challenges of the Arctic". Possibilities for cooperation in an evolving landscape were discussed.
East Antarctic
29. November 2023
Press release

Research vessel Polarstern sets course for the East Antarctic

Yesterday evening, the research vessel Polarstern set off from Cape Town for a special region: Two expeditions in East Antarctica will focus on the history of the instability of the ice sheet there and its interactions with ocean circulation. On the first leg, which will last around two months and be led by GEOMAR, the main focus will be on oceanographic, geoscientific and biological work; the second leg will be led by Kiel University and will have a geoscientific focus, with researchers from the Alfred Wegener Institute involved in both expeditions. The…
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27. November 2023
Online news

Research to continue on Arctic amplification and its global impacts

The Collaborative Research Centre “Arctic Amplification: Climate Relevant Atmospheric and Surface Processes and Feedback Mechanism (AC)³”, which is headed by meteorologist Professor Manfred Wendisch from Leipzig University, is to enter its third funding phase. This was announced today (24 November 2023) by the German Research Foundation (DFG). From January 2024, the research network, which also includes the Universities of Bremen and Cologne, the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) and the Leibniz Institute for…
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NWO-AWI Arctic Workshop
17. November 2023
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Arctic Knowledge Exchange

As part of the ongoing cooperation, the AWI and the Netherlands Polar Program held a joint Arctic workshop at AWI Bremerhaven on November 16th. The aim of this workshop was to identify and discuss ongoing and potential scientific collaborations between Dutch and AWI scientists in the Arctic. About 30 scientists from ten different Dutch research institutions attended the meeting and discussed with AWI scientists collaborative projects in this region.