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Dr. Miriam Seifert and Dr. Luisa von Albedyll
18. July 2023
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Wladimir Köppen Prize goes to AWI researchers

Dr. Miriam Seifert and Dr. Luisa von Albedyll have been awarded the 2022 Wladimir Köppen Prize for their dissertations. The prize is endowed with 5,000 euros and has been awarded by the Cluster of Excellence for Climate Research at the University of Hamburg since 2009. It honors outstanding dissertations by young scientists from German-speaking countries.
Eisberge in der Antarktis
18. July 2023
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Antarctic ice sheet data published

The publication of a comprehensive dataset on Antarctic bed topography and ice thickness has made a new contribution to the understanding of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Several AWI scientists have contributed to the data release which can be accessed openly through an online portal. More information.
A cliff in the Siberian Arctic with remnants of peatlands.
18. July 2023
Online news

New AI project on permafrost launches

An international group of experts with the participation of the Alfred Wegener Institute receives a grant of $5 million from for the development of an AI system that can be used to study the thawing of the Arctic permafrost even faster and more effectively.
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Microplastic particles in sediment sample
14. July 2023
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High levels of microplastic pollution

Senckenberg researchers Serena Abel, formerly a PhD student at AWI, and Angelika Brandt, together with colleagues from the AWI and the Goethe University Frankfurt, have studied microplastics in the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. They found between 215 and 1596 microparticles per kg in each of a total of 13 sediment samples from depths of up to 9450 meters - more than previously detected. The study, published in 'Science of The Total Environment', shows that the deep sea is heavily polluted with microplastics and is threatening biodiversity. To the press release
Ship from behind in front of Helgoland
10. July 2023
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The new Uthörn visits Helgoland

The new AWI coastal research vessel Uthörn has called at her home port Helgoland: The island community ceremoniously welcomed the successor vessel and greeted the ship with joy. The new Uthörn is currently on test and trial cruises in the German Bight before the official handover to the AWI and the scientific community is expected to take place in August.
Felix Janssen leaving the deep-diving submersible Alvin
06. July 2023
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Effects of hypoxia on benthic biogeochemistry

On a current expedition with the US Research Vessel Atlantis, benthic studies are carried out with the deep-diving submersible Alvin. Felix Janssen, scientist in the HGF-MPG bridging group for deep-sea ecology and technology at the AWI and the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology (MPI), is joining this expedition at the moment. Led by the former MPI group member Tina Treude, who is now Professor at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA), the expedition aims to study seafloor biogeochemistry in oxygen deficient waters of the Santa…
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Shellfish Tower
05. July 2023
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EU project OLAMUR

Ensuring global food security for the growing population is an important topic that many researchers are dealing with. As the demand for food and sustainable resources increases, the world's oceans play an increasingly important role in the nutrition, health and well-being of populations. But the production of marine resources can no longer be sustained by ecosystems and natural fisheries production only. The EU project OLAMUR (Offshore Low-trophic Aquaculture in Multi-use Scenario Realisation), which runs from January 2023 to December 2026, aims to help…
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Shrimp under the microscope
27. June 2023
Press release

Artificial Intelligence for Ethical and Sustainable Shrimp Farming

The project MonitorShrimp, which is making considerable strides in improving animal welfare and performance in the context of shrimp farming, is the outcome of a consortium combining the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), Oceanloop and Sander Holding. Over the past two years, the participating researchers have developed a computer vision system that allows early detection and monitoring of the tiny creatures’ growth, population size, mortality and stress.
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Ship on a river
26. June 2023
Online news

How polluted is the Elbe River?

Germany’s watercourses, including the Elbe River, are polluted by external discharges from industry, agriculture, and sewage treatment plants. However, this pollution changes along the course of the river - as a result of many sources of pollution and because degradation processes change the substances. In a joint measurement campaign, researchers from several Helmholtz Centres, including the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI),  want to take a closer look at how environmental chemicals, nano- and microplastic…
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Group photo
22. June 2023
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Launch of the EU project NOVAFOODIES

“NOVAFOODIES” is a new AWI project, which has been funded by the Horizon Europe program with a budget of about 6 million euros, that aims to transform the value chain of food production from marine and freshwater resources, to achieve new food products for human consumption. One goal the project is, to demonstrate the sustainable production of macro- and microalgae, and fish species, as a basis for novel functional food and feed production. NOVAFOODIES gathers 28 international partners.