Climate protection in your own backyard
What can I personally do to combat climate change in my own backyard? This question preoccupies many German citizens. They can find answers at the “klimafit” course, which we jointly developed with our project partners: the research network REKLIM, the nature conservation organisation WWF, and the University of Hamburg. The course not only offers reliable information on climate change and how it’s impacting our day-to-day lives; it also and especially invites all those who are interested to tackle the problem together.
Extremely hot and dry conditions, storms and flooding: last year, many people realised that climate change had now reached their own doorstep. As a result, many of them now want to do something about it. But what exactly? What local initiatives are already in place? What’s their own town doing about the problem? And how effective are these efforts? The answers to these and other questions can be found at the klimafit course (, now offered at more than a hundred community colleges across Germany. Its goal: to transform citizens into multipliers who work together to drive municipal climate protection in their own neighbourhood.
The innovative educational programme especially focuses on practical experiences and ideas. In six evening sessions, participants have the chance to speak with experts from the scientific community and local climate protection management. In this way, they learn more about the nature and causes of climate change, as well as the problems it entails in their home region. At the same time, they discuss concrete local approaches they can pursue. And indeed, many who complete the course remain committed to actively doing their part – e.g., at klimafit regulars’ tables, where they develop and implement new ideas for their community.