Patented Technologies
On this page you will find some of the technologies for which the AWI is looking for licensees. If you are interested, please contact the TTO.

Emergency Shower Testing Device
Comfortable, splashwater-free regular Testing of emergency showers in laboratories. The shower head is completely enclosed, the water volume can be directly measured and emptied without pumps and dead volumes.
Several of these testing carraiages are in regular, failure-free use for over two years now in the laboratories of the Alfred-Wegerner-Institute in Bremerhaven .

Load-Force Independent Release Device
Precise, safe, quick, fast and load-force independent release of loads, e.g. in rough seas. The technology allows for minimal release forces and loads of up to several metric tons. THe quick releaser is scalable and could be used in othere fields than maritime technologies.
Further Information: Flyer (pdf)

Vacuum Security
Simple device and setup to secure a high vacuum in case of technical diturbances, e.g. power cuts. Allows fast and efficient return to regular measurement operations after interruptions as the high vacuum remains intact and does not need to be restored.
Further Information: Flyer (pdf)

Multiple sample processor
Water sampler using syringes for underwater applications that allows for simple change between sampling and injection mode. As operation occurs through the release of springs, only one small motor is required for operation.
Further Information: Flyer (pdf)

Size-Sorting-System for Flatfish in Aquaculture
Solution that allows for self-grading of flatfish in aquaculture that can be employed in standard aquaculture tanks. This reduces manual handling of the fish which reduces manual labour, costs, and potential stress for the fish.
Further Information: Flyer (pdf)

Microplastics Analytics
Plastic litter in the environment is prone to fragmentation and thereby breaks down into smaller particles ("microplastics"). For an accurate risk assessment of this pollutant, the size and polymer composition need to be understood. Several techniques for concise microplastics analytics have been developped at AWI:
Separation of microplastic from sediment samples: Flyer (pdf)
Cleansing of plastic particles from organic matter and biofouling: Flyer (pdf)
siMPle: Freeware for the fast detection of microplastic in environmental samples: external URL

Grease gun for underwater connectors
Underwater connectors need to be greased sufficiently to guarantee operability and water tightness. Greasing multi-pin connectors is time-consuming and a potential source for errors. AWI technicians and divers developped a technology allowing the synchronous greasing of multiple female connectors using a standard syringe with different adaptors. The solution has been developed specifically for wet mateable connectors and for the use by divers under harsh conditions with protective gear.
Weitere Informationen: Flyer (pdf)

Pressure-neutral battery for deep-sea applications
Working in deep-sea environments requires pressure-resistant or -neutral housings. AWI technicians have equipped cost-efficient standard lead batteries with a cover plate with an integrated pressure compensation. Made of standard components this solution is cost-efficient, not bulky, and light. This solution is ideal when several appliances shall be operated independently. The difficulties in transporting Lithium-ion batteries do not apply.
This technology can be applied also outside marine research. Licensses are sought.

Pressure-neutral Elevatormotor
Working in deep-sea environments requires pressure-resistant or -neutral housings. AWI technicians have equipped a standard motor with an inlying pressure compensation. Made of standard components this solution is cost-efficient and not bulky. This solution is ideal when various equipment shall be operated independently.
This technology can be applied also outside marine research. Licensses are sought.
Kill-free Caviar
There are non-exclusive licensees in some countries, further are sought after.