
growth of world population up to about 9 billion people by the middle of the 21st century and the management of its consequences is one of the central challenges facing humankind. Above all, the declining [...] evidence to test models of the evolution of northern, continuous permafrost since the beginning of the glacial/interglacial cycles is needed. The application of state of the art geophysical sounding [...] • Construction of scenarios of possible future developments; this needs knowledge about the dynamics of the systems, the role of different driving forces, and the options available in the future. We will

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conducted at the Potsdam division of AWI, and the group is ranked as the first in Europe and as one of the best in the world. The achievements of this research group are outstanding. The boundary-layer [...] 2011, the review panel met with the extended Directorate of the AWI for a briefing about the organisation and the goals of the AWI centre review and PACES mid-term evaluation. During these talks, the review [...] to provide the review panel with a comprehensive overview of the research at the AWI. The posters summarized the missions, methods and results of each of the twenty scientific sections and the Junior Research

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openly; the first part of PACES outlines the strategic significance of the programme and the major scientific milestones of each programme Topics. The second part provides 4 of 14 Minutes of the 32 nd meeting [...] respectively. 2 of 14 Minutes of the 32 nd meeting of the AWI Scientific Advisory Board 3.2. The meeting noted the document SAB 11(1)/3/2 on the current composition and membership of SAB, and the SAB members [...] incorporated in the new programme under the work packages in which they will be used, and also reflected in the description of the profile and competence of the partners in the second part of the new programme

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Antarktis The Mesozoic-Cenozoic climate history of the Alpha-Mendeleev Ridge (central Arctic Ocean) AMEX 2008 Arktis ja Geodynamic and tectonic evolution of the Arctic Ocean Arktis Monitoring the earthquake [...] million contribution to the call for Africa) Area Health impacts of climate change ENV.2010.1.2.1-1 The effect of environmental change on the occurrence and distribution of water related vec- tor-borne [...] intercom- parison and measurements Arktis ja Fundamental causes of local climates as the basis of ecosystems differentiation and dynamics on the area of West Spitzbergen, Svalbard Arktis ja OZEANOGRAPHIE Ocean

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AS is the (measured) specific radiocarbon activity (in Bq/gC) of the sample, AABS = 0.95·0.238 Bq/gC is the absolute specific activity of the radiocarbon standard (i.e. 95% of the activity of the OxA-I [...] contribution of source/sink process S to the seasonal variation of 14C (14Cseas,2 S , Definition 2) is the sum of the contribution of the seasonal variability of the source/sink S (14Cseas,1 S , Definition [...] seasonal cycle of atmospheric 14C. The larger the horizon- tal (or vertical) 14C difference caused by source/sink process S, the larger the contribution of process S to the component of the 14C seasonal

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an estimate of the temporal development of the global SF6 distribution on a latitude – altitude grid, which – when integrated over the entire atmosphere – gives the temporal development of the global atmospheric [...] sinks. A total atmospheric mass of 5.1×1021g of air was used for the source estimates. Note that the inventory refers to the middle of each year, whereas the source refers to the period 1 January–31 December [...] namely the Ministry of Education and Science, Baden-Württemberg, Germany; the German Science Foundation, the German Minister of Environment; the German Minister of Science and Technology; the German

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considered and the sum of the area was defined as the sea ice extent for the sector. The data were finally re-sampled to produce monthly mean SIE (i.e. sea ice area in units 106 km2). The accuracy of the retrieved [...] total number of months (i.e. the length of the time series), were also used to evaluate correlations among the measured parameters in the time domain. The purpose of data evaluation in the frequency domain [...] investigate the long-term variability of the major ionic aerosol compounds MS, nss-SO2− 4 , NO− 3 and Na+ of the Neumayer data. Note that respective investigations of the seasonal cycles of these species

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considered and the sum of the area was defined as the sea ice extent for the sector. The data were finally re-sampled to produce monthly mean SIE (i.e. sea ice area in units 106 km2). The accuracy of the retrieved [...] total number of months (i.e. the length of the time series), were also used to evaluate correlations among the measured parameters in the time domain. The purpose of data evaluation in the frequency domain [...] investigate the long-term variability of the major ionic aerosol compounds MS, nss-SO2− 4 , NO− 3 and Na+ of the Neumayer data. Note that respective investigations of the seasonal cycles of these species

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considered and the sum of the area was defined as the sea ice extent for the sector. The data were finally re-sampled to produce monthly mean SIE (i.e. sea ice area in units 106 km2). The accuracy of the retrieved [...] total number of months (i.e. the length of the time series), were also used to evaluate correlations among the measured parameters in the time domain. The purpose of data evaluation in the frequency domain [...] investigate the long-term variability of the major ionic aerosol compounds MS, nss-SO2− 4 , NO− 3 and Na+ of the Neumayer data. Note that respective investigations of the seasonal cycles of these species

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destroy the stratification of the lower troposphere. Due to the stability of the free atmosphere above the bound- ary layer the typical height of the stable boundary layer (SBL), defined as the lowest altitude [...] 4. Box plots of the mean seasonality of the volatile, semi- volatile and refractory portion of the measured particle concentra- tions for the years 2005–2007. Lines in the middle of the boxes represent [...] Characterization of the variations of condensation particle concentrations 13247 Fig. 1. Time series of the measured CP concentrations (daily means). Also indicated are the operation periods of the different

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