Dr. Judith Piontek Dr. Ian Salter associated groups: PLANKTOSENS Langzeitobservatorium HAUSGARTEN FRAM ICEFLUX


over Svalbard during a flight of the Polar 5 aircraft on its way towards the measurement region over Fram Strait during ACLOUD. (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) Polar 6 after touch-down in Longyearbyen, Svalbard


2017. Figure 1: Mooring sites maintained during 2008-2009. The four major Arctic gateways (Davis, Fram, Bering Straits and BSO) are highlighted by orange circles. Each box shows length of observations [...] Tromsø, Norway and the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) in Bremerhaven, Germany for western and eastern Fram Strait, respectively; the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) in Bergen, Norway for the Barents Sea [...] von Appen; Dr. B. Rabe; Prof. Dr. T. Kanzow; Dr. M. Karcher AWI and Arctic boundary PIs in Davis , Fram, Bering Straits and Barents Sea opening (BSO)


and an updated Arctic Ocean climatology. This work was funded by the FRAM project: Publication : Behrendt, A., Sumata, H., Rabe, B., and Schauer, U


as a consequence, the total carbon mobilized into the Arctic Ocean, leave the Arctic basin via the Fram Srait, following the East Greenland Current (EGC) and through the Davis Strait within the Baffin Current [...] that the CDOM concentration (determined based on the absorption at 375nm) in the western part of the Fram Strait is strongly correlated to meteoric water (i.e. the fraction of fresh water signal, from continent) [...] ocean color. Chem. Rev . 107, 402–418. Dodd, P.A. et al. (2012). The freshwater composition of the Fram Strait outflow derived from a decade of tracer measurements. J. Geophys. Res . 117, C11005, doi: 10

Physikalische Ozeanographie des arktischen Ozeans

changes in the warm northward flow, we monitor the Atlantic Water in the West Spitsbergen Current in Fram Strait by use of an oceanographic mooring array since 1997. Surface waters are densified through cooling [...] storing) Beaufort Gyre, and the Transpolar Drift, which drives the freshwater towards Greenland and Fram Strait from where it is eventually exported to the subpolar North Atlantic. The Arctic freshwater [...] contributes to a destabilization of the Greenland ice streams. We observed Atlantic water warming in Fram Strait and this water is likely to affect the (presently) stable North East Greenland ice stream (NEGIS)

Arctic phytoplankton

and phytoplankton functional types (PFT) using shipboard underway AC-S flow-through system in the Fram Strait. These quality-controlled datasets are finally used to validate the quality of the Chl-a datasets [...] -M., Hellmann S., Wiegmann S., Bracher A. (in press 22 Jan 2018) Underway spectrophotometry in the Fram Strait (European Arctic Ocean): a highly resolved chlorophyll a data source for complementing satellite [...] between Chl-a data obtained from underway AC-S flow-through system and HPLC measurements during the Fram Strait cruises PS93.2 and PS99.2.


only (Fram Strait). The western, sea ice-dominated, part of Fram Strait proved to have short, late (middle May) and time varying phytoplankton blooms. At the marginal sea ice zone of the western Fram Strait [...] warm and salty Atlantic waters, experienced earlier (end of April) and longer blooms. In the eastern Fram Strait, stratification due to solar warming proved to act as a guiding factor for the the open ocean [...] Boetius, A. (2014) Influence of the physical environment on phytoplankton blooms: a case study in the Fram Strait , Journal of Marine Systems, 132 , pp. 196-207. doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2013.11.008 , hdl:10013/epic

Fram Strait

Barents Sea or Fram Strait. In the eastern Fram Strait, Atlantic Water flows northward in the West Spitsbergen Current between the surface and about 800m depth. Some of this water makes a shortcut and recirculates [...] the western Fram Strait on timescales of several months while the rest enters the Arctic Ocean and follows a cyclonic circulation for years to decades. The AWI long-term observations in Fram Strait have [...] Fram Strait / West Spitsbergen current long-term observations Atlantic Water is the main oceanic source of heat, salt, and nutrients of the Arctic Ocean. It enters the Arctic Ocean through the Barents

Central Arctic

ships, e.g. Polarstern and air-supported spring expeditions, autonomous ice-tethered buoy systems like FRAM or MIDO have enabled a nearly year-round, Arctic basin-wide coverage of temperature and salinity profile