Polarstern Returns to Bremerhaven

such changes, the research teams on board the Polarstern investigated Atlantic Water Recirculation in Fram Strait and in the marginal ice zone north of Svalbard, as well as ocean/glacier interactions off the


Gelatinous zooplankton from the Fram Strait region, Arctic Ocean (Photo: Mario Hoppmann/AWI) Gelatinous zooplankton, comprising cnidarians, ctenophores and tunicates, are known to be major drivers of ecosystem [...] Using eDNA, we want to monitor “newcomers” and community changes in rapidly changing regions such as Fram Strait, the gateway to the Arctic, and the Atlantic-influenced Kongsfjorden (Svalbard). Eventually [...] get an accurate estimate of jellyfish diversity, distribution patterns and abundances. During the FramJelly project, a collaboration between AWI and GEOMAR, on PS126 (schematic below), we compared the

Ice Ocean Dynamics

export freshwater. Major pathways of the export are the East Greenland Current and sea ice flux through Fram Strait. Inflow of saline water from the South is equivalent to a fresh water export. Fresh water from [...] satellite remote sensing and regional airborne sea ice thickness measurements. Oceanographic moorings in Fram Strait provide estimates of liquid fresh water transport. Once validated, the models can be used for [...] by the Transpolar Drift, which carries water and sea ice from the Siberian Shelves to exit at the Fram Strait, and the Beaufort Gyre, a large clockwise rotating gyre in the Canadian Basin (Fig 1). This

Passive Acoustic Monitoring - AWI OZA

Observatory (HAFOS) and the Frontiers in Arctic Marine Science (FRAM) observatory, which are distributed across the Weddell Sea and Fram Strait, respectively. See the maps to the right for of the recording [...] depth, i.e. 2m above the sea floor, and the anchor (old railroad wheels). FRAM (Frontiers in Arctic Marine Science) The AWIs FRAM moorings also host a set of underwater recorders in the northern Greenland [...] Greenland. Further moorings in the adjacent Arctic Ocean extend this array slightly to the North. MAP of FRAM moorings hosting PAM recorders an AZFPs. Please note, that not all locations were occupied at all

Heat from Below: How the Ocean is Wearing Down the Arctic Sea Ice

later, when the ice has drifted towards Greenland via the North Pole and leaves the Arctic through Fram Strait. This study also includes data from the MOSAiC expedition.

Molecular Biodiversity of Eukaryotic Microbes

web (Graphic: Katja Metfies) Head of working group Dr. Katja Metfies HIFMB Cooperations HIFMB PEBCAO FRAM PrimePrevention MareExtreme Obama_Next Scientific approach Technology Projects Team

Polarstern longterm cruise planning

Logistics International/national collaboration: Expeditions 2024 to the Arctic PS143/1 & PS143/2; Project: FRAM HAUSGARTEN Frank Wenzhöfer & Katja Metfies (GPF23-1_013) Goals: • Long-term ecological research in [...] E-Mail Participants: 2 x 50 Free berths: - Period: June - August 2024 Days at sea : 61 Working Area: Fram Strait Disciplines: Marine Technology, Physical Oceanography, Long-Term Observations (LTO), Long-Term [...] forms part of a framework of international consortia (GEOTRACES, ArcWatch-LTO). It is supported by FRAM observatory technology, and contributes to a time series of four expeditions to the CAO in the POF4

Biogeochemical Sensors

Hasemann, C., Wenzhoefer, F. (2018): Deep-sea benthic communities and oxygen fluxes in the Arctic Fram Strait controlled by sea-ice cover and water depth. Biogeosciences 15: 4849-4869. Braeckman, U., Janssen [...] Benthic oxygen uptake in the Arctic Ocean margins - A case study at the deep-sea observatory HAUSGARTEN (Fram Strait). PLoS ONE 10(10): e01383. Boetius, A., Wenzhöfer, F. (2013): Seafloor oxygen consumption fuelled


and the eastern part of Fram Strait cover different pathways of the Atlantic water northward flow and allow to address its spatiotemporal variability and splitting into the Fram Strait and Barents Sea branches [...] transport into the Arctic is examined with a special focus on separation of Atlantic inflow between Fram Strait and the Barents Sea, lateral exchanges in the Nordic Seas, and a role of eddies in modulating [...] n Bas in Canadian Basin BSO Chukchi Sea Davis Strait Barents Sea Ba ffi n B ay FS Greenland Sea FS Fram Strait moored array (AWI/NPI) BSO Barents Sea Opening moored array (IMR) 5 oW 0o 5oE 10oE 15oE 20oE

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Central Arctic

ships, e.g. Polarstern and air-supported spring expeditions, autonomous ice-tethered buoy systems like FRAM or MIDO have enabled a nearly year-round, Arctic basin-wide coverage of temperature and salinity profile