
in the morning hours. These have been eventful weeks; our work has taken us north along the eastern Fram Strait, back repeatedly to selected ice floes in the marginal ice zone. We have made a detour to the

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Polarstern Returns to Bremerhaven

such changes, the research teams on board the Polarstern investigated Atlantic Water Recirculation in Fram Strait and in the marginal ice zone north of Svalbard, as well as ocean/glacier interactions off the


Gelatinous zooplankton from the Fram Strait region, Arctic Ocean (Photo: Mario Hoppmann/AWI) Gelatinous zooplankton, comprising cnidarians, ctenophores and tunicates, are known to be major drivers of ecosystem [...] Using eDNA, we want to monitor “newcomers” and community changes in rapidly changing regions such as Fram Strait, the gateway to the Arctic, and the Atlantic-influenced Kongsfjorden (Svalbard). Eventually [...] get an accurate estimate of jellyfish diversity, distribution patterns and abundances. During the FramJelly project, a collaboration between AWI and GEOMAR, on PS126 (schematic below), we compared the


floes bit by bit since Tuesday night. After successfully finishing our work in the eastern part of the Fram Strait, we sailed towards the ice edge. This marginal ice zone, the transition from pack ice to open

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Deeply anchored 05. July 2022 The first stations of our expedition are located in Fram Strait in the area of the West Spitsbergen Current – a current transporting warm Atlantic water northwards into the

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Sonja (2022) Phytoplankton pigment concentrations during POLARSTERN cruise PS121 from North Sea to Fram in August to September 2019. PANGAEA , doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.941011 Bracher, Astrid;


and Bracher, A. (2019). Retrieval of phytoplankton pigments from underway spectrophotometry in the Fram Strait. Remote Sensing, 11(3):318. Longhurst, A., Sathyendranath, S., Platt, T., and Caverhill, C

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Boundary layer processes

for cold-air outbreaks in the Arctic are the Fram Strait and Barents Sea. The Figure shows an example of a cold-air outbreak with convection rolls over Fram Strait caused by a low pressure system over Svalbard [...] investigated. Impact of sea ice morphology on energy and momentum transport Marginal sea ice zone (Fram Strait, near Svalbard) with drifting floes and small ridges at the floe edges. (Photo: Alfred-Weg [...] Lüpkes, J. Hartmann, and M. Raschendorfer (2005), A case study on a polar cold air outbreak over Fram Strait using a mesoscale weather prediction model, Boundary Layer Meteorol., 117, 301–336, doi:10

OPUS - Open Portal to Underwater Soundscapes

working on) OPUS, the Open Portal to Underwater Soundscapes. The portal will give access to HAFOS, FRAM and PALAOA recordings by audio and synchronized spectral visualizations at staggered temporal resolution

Long Term Observations

III) Magnetics (Neumayer-Station III) Infrasound (Neumayer-Station III) Biology North Sea Arctic (Fram and Svalbard) Antarctic Oceanography Arctic Time series Antarctic time series Terrestrial time series