
and the response of the various Arctic subsystems to the rigorous climatic changes of the last decades. The northernmost extension of the North Atlantic Current system consists of the circulation of Atlantic [...] integration of the vertical velocity obtained from the LADCP and checked against the 1-second averages of the CTD records. The position was obtained from the navigation files of the ship with the resolution [...] s with the use of bottom landers directly at the sea floor (in situ). To assess and quantify the role of the benthos in the recycling of carbon and to calculate the fluxes of solutes across the sediment

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depth of the fluorescence maximum (Fig. 5.10) and in steps of 10-20 m above and below the depth of the fluorescence -max., till the depth where the fluorescence signal vanished (~100). At the positions of the [...] gy (Christina Bienhold) The Arctic Ocean is rapidly changing due to increasing temperatures and the loss of sea ice. One of the central questions about the consequences of the shrinking sea ice cover is [...] Narrative of the Cruise Cruise leg MSM29 started in the morning of June 23 in Tromsø, Norway. After two days transit, where the scientists and technicians used the time to finish the preparation of the labs

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scenarios. 4 Narrative of the Cruise The 77th cruise of the RV MARIA S. MERIAN started in the early evening of September 15th in Longyearbyen (Svalbard). During the first week of the expedition, we mainly [...] correlated with Matlab according to the time-stamp of the images and the time of the CTD. Table 5.3.2 List of stations where the In Situ Camera (ISC) was deployed in the profiling mode. Profile No. Station [...] finished yet. As a proof of operation of the system some example images taken during the deployments should give an impression of the power of the system (Fig. 5.3.7). Table 5.3.3 List of ROSINA stations. Profile

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, followed the manufacturing process of the cement going from the exploitation of the raw materials until its packing and its storage and studied the effects of admixtures on the quality of cement in [...] during the independent project time and especially the preparation of the final report. Please, be aware that the intention for the role of the supervisors is to assist and not to compound the work of the [...] house management in the frame of the house rules are to be followed. In the case of repeated violation of the house rules, persons may be banned from the house. 14.) Any manipulation of the fire detectors in

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, followed the manufacturing process of the cement going from the exploitation of the raw materials until its packing and its storage and studied the effects of admixtures on the quality of cement in [...] during the independent project time and especially the preparation of the final report. Please, be aware that the intention for the role of the supervisors is to assist and not to compound the work of the [...] house management in the frame of the house rules are to be followed. In the case of repeated violation of the house rules, persons may be banned from the house. 14.) Any manipulation of the fire detectors in

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earch-focus/gateways-of-the-southern- ocean.html under Effect of opening of Drake Passage on circulation in the South Atlantic, scroll to Variations in pathways and intensities of deep and bottom water [...] collected material to answer the raised questions about origin and development of this plateau and its role as an obstacle for the deep circulation in late Cretaceous times and the Tertiary. This successful [...] nces/geophysics/research-focus/gateways-of-the-southern-ocean.html

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deployment of Expendable Bathythermographs (XBTs) to measure the thermal structure of the upper 1.8 km of the water column. XBT probes were ‘fired’ during the second leg of the cruise when the vessel was [...] mixing at the surface decreases the oxygenation of the lower water masses. Additionally, it decreases the formation of central water, which is subducted from the thermocline. In the case of SACW, the formation [...] deoxygenation of the water mass. This can greatly impact the ventilation of the surrounding water body and the formation rate of the water mass itself. Consequences are the expansion and formation of oxygen minimum

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from the shallow region of the English Channel to the Bay of Biscay, the region around the Ampère Seamount, the Cape Verde Islands and further stations in the South Atlantic up to Cape Town. The participants [...] gradually. In the morning of 10 November Polarstern entered the harbour of Las Palmas. The cruise leg PS95.2 started in the afternoon of the same day with the departure from Las Palmas towards the Cape Verde [...] lectures of the work carried out in the previous six days on the evening before and a teaching/learning period on the morning of the transfer where the outgoing groups taught the incoming students. The themes

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AABW and AAIW north, the increase in NADW as we move north in the SW Atlantic and its reduction in the Eastern Basin of the Atlantic, and the appearance of MOW in the later part of the transect. Figure 5: [...] for the polar components of the climate system. Since 2009 he is the head of the Climate-Initiative REKLIM (Regional Climate Change) of the Helmholtz Association (HGF), in which nine centres of the HGF [...] leaving the ship, this will take the form of a short report detailing the pre-planning and execution on station of the CTD cast, the results they found and an interpretation of their findings in the context

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topographic features of the study site such as the slightly more elevated region in the center of the study area reveal lower FDD. Furthermore, the exposed hillsides of5 the Brooks Range or the coastal zone are [...] pared to the neighboring ones. The Saganavirktok River does not show different FDD than the adjacent areas, despite of the valleys in the foothills of the Brooks Range. In Figure 7 the TDD for the same year [...] important for the performance of the SEB-scheme is the determination of the melt period. Figure 14 displays the melt period metrics for the sample year 2012. It displays the high spatial variation of snowmelt

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