Microbial communities in the deep sea

Bacterioplankton Abundance Is Linked to Distinct Water Masses and Summertime Phytoplankton Bloom Dynamics (Fram Strait, 79°N). Frontiers in Microbiology, 12 (658803). Fadeev, E., Salter, I., Schourup-Kristensen [...] Engel, A., Piontek, J., Boetius, A., Bienhold, C. (2018): Microbial Communities in the East and West Fram Strait During Sea Ice Melting Season. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00429 Rapp [...] , Boetius, A., Ramette, A. (2013): Biogeography of benthic bacteria at regional scale in the deep Fram Strait (LTER HAUSGARTEN, Arctic), PLOS One 8:9, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0072779 Further Links:

Sea Ice Thickness - Mass Balance

determines the sea ice volume flux in Fram Strait region and other key areas. Results are used to quantify whether coupled sea ice ocean models are capable of reproducing Fram Strait sea ice volume fluxes correctly [...] of Arctic sea ice are changes of ice volume export rates through major gates of the Arctic, such as Fram Strait. The Sea Ice Physics group investigates to what extent ice volume loss through major export

On the role of the AMOC for paleoclimates_ENG_

within these models that drive the improvements in simulating the AMO remain poorly understood. The Fram Strait Sea Ice Export (FSSIE) is a crucial component of the Arctic Ocean's freshwater and heat budget [...] Lohmann , M. Dima, and M. Prange, 2016: Linkages between atmospheric blocking, sea ice export through Fram Strait and the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Scientific Reports 6:32881, DOI:10.10


ice conditions in the main export pathway of Arctic sea ice, the Fram Strait, and in the Lincoln Sea delivering the thickest ice to Fram Strait. Based on measurement data we will determine sea ice thickness


ice conditions in the main export pathway of Arctic sea ice, the Fram Strait, and in the Lincoln Sea delivering the thickest ice to Fram Strait. Based on measurement data we will determine sea ice thickness

Human imprints and final considerations

here on board assessing anthropogenic impacts on the marine ecosystem on our way from Bremerhaven to Fram Strait (and back) and at HAUSGARTEN observatory.

Research infrastructure

Isotope Facility Potsdam Stable Isotope Facility Bremerhaven Nutrient Facility Observatories Ocean: FRAM Water: COSYNA Meteorology Geophysics Ships Polarstern Heincke Uthörn Mya II Aade Stations Neumayer


indispensable “single punishment” on Pentecost Monday, May 24, and set sail for our expedition to the Fram Strait, the passage between Greenland and Spitsbergen.

Polarstern Sets Sail for the Arctic

Arctic Expedition
On Whit Monday, 24 May 2021, the Polarstern will set sail for the Arctic. In Fram Strait, between Greenland and Svalbard, more than 50 participating scientists will resume the long-term

Freshwater fluxes

freshwater. Major pathways of the export are the East Greenland Current and sea ice flux through Fram Strait. Inflow of saline water from the South is equivalent to a fresh water export. Fresh water from [...] satellite remote sensing and regional airbornesea ice thickness measurements. Oceanographic moorings in Fram Strait provide estimates of liquid fresh water transport. Once validated, the models can be used for