CLEO-WS-Report-final.pdf 3 the Journal , which will highlight the major scientific results presented at the workshop. Each section of the report, dealing with one of the themes of the workshop, is self-contained [...] better the needs of the user community in general and the modelling community in particular? What should be done to ensure the continuity of the data into the foreseeable future and to ensure that the quality [...] duplication of efforts. The presentations in the session on “Ocean-Colour Applications for Climate Studies” gave a broad idea of the state of the art. The invited talk by Brian Franz described the NASA activities

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. Only a small part of it sticks out of the water, like the tip of an iceberg. By far the largest portion of the rock is submarine. The transitional zone between the island and the submarine is a rocky [...] Schmalenbach is tipping the contents of hundreds of small beakers over the railing of the “Aade” into the sea: hundreds of small lobsters which were raised in the laboratory. The onlook- ers in the unique Helgoland [...] signal of the algae on the rocky intertidal is recorded. Each pixel represents the colour spectrum of visi- ble light up to the infrared range. With the help of the characteristic reflection of the individual

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network. The mission of the “Frontiers in Arctic Marine Monitoring” (FRAM) infrastructure is to support synchronous year-round integrated system observations of one of the fastest changing regions of the Earth [...] information about the dynamics of the pack ice. 06 Ice tethered Bio-Optical Buoy (IBOB): consists of 3 sensor modules, one in the ice, one directly below the ice and one 5 meters below the ice. Measures [...] attribute the impact of anthropogenic activity and natural phenomena on the marine ecosystem of the Arctic Ocean. Long-term data set of 3 phytoplankton functional types in the Arctic by synergistic use of hyper-

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out. In the end the victims of this increasing species mi- gration from the North Atlantic to the Arctic Ocean will presumably be the animals at the end of the food chains. After all, many of the Atlantic [...] under the ice with a minimum temperature of minus 1.8 degrees Celsius. Life in the ocean is significantly influenced by the circulation of the water and thus by the topography of the seafloor. The map shows [...] sea ice of the Arctic in summer shimmers turquoise-blue. The thinner the ice layer at the bottom of the pond, the darker its colour because the ocean shimmers through the ice from below. At such ponds AWI

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network. The mission of the “Frontiers in Arctic Marine Monitoring” (FRAM) infrastructure is to support synchronous year-round integrated system observations of one of the fastest changing regions of the Earth [...] information about the dynamics of the pack ice. 06 Ice tethered Bio-Optical Buoy (IBOB): consists of 3 sensor modules, one in the ice, one directly below the ice and one 5 meters below the ice. Measures [...] attribute the impact of anthropogenic activity and natural phenomena on the marine ecosystem of the Arctic Ocean. Long-term data set of 3 phytoplankton functional types in the Arctic by synergistic use of hyper-

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findings in the North Sea and start of production Start of the Trilateral Cooperation on the Protection of the Wadden Sea between Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark The member states of the United Nations [...] and therefore of a high ecological, economical and societal value. Two hotspots of biodiversity are the Dogger Bank in the north of the southern North Sea and the Wadden Sea, located along the Dutch, German [...] CLIMATE CHANGE The North Sea Surge is hitting the dunes Tourists on a walk across the mudflats FUTURE 2050 The North Sea is a marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean with deep waters in the north and shallow

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on HABs in the Gulf of Naples, a number of harmful species were detected for the first time, pointing at the relevance of the metabarcoding approach in monitoring aimed at the protection of human health [...] and biogeography of Arctic marine microbes, covering all three domains of life. The development of the observation strategy involves a set of coordinated pilot studies testing questions of temporal and spatial [...] Over the last fifteen years, molecular genetics has rapidly advanced the rate of plankton species discovery in the oceans and the advent of high-throughput DNA sequencing has revealed a vast level of diversity

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train station The Hotel is just a 450 m walk away from the main train station. Upon exiting the station via the main entrance you are on Ernst-August-Platz, go southwest (left) in the direction of Joachimstraße [...] well-being because it is vital for the functioning of the earth biosphere through processes such as oxygen production, carbon fixation, and the transfer of energy and recycling of matter in marine food webs. [...] evaluating the synergistic potential of the two methodologies to refine and facilitate long term observation of marine plankton biodiversity. Aims of this Symposium There are five major aims of this symposium


screening of global databases of the regions V4 and V9 of the 18s-rDNA, demonstrated the presence of our parasites beyond the North Atlantic coastal regions. In a biweekly metabarcoding survey of the diatom [...] on HABs in the Gulf of Naples, a number of harmful species were detected for the first time, pointing at the relevance of the metabarcoding approach in monitoring aimed at the protection of human health [...] indicate a lack of gene references in the group of Zygnematophyceae to further investigate the genetic diversity. The second part of the project focuses on molecular acclimation of a polar isolate of Cosmarium


different roles in the biogeochemical cycle of the oceans. Diatoms are the major silicifiers in the ocean with frustules made of dissolved silicic acid, influencing the cycle of silica in the oceans. Similarly [...] each spectrum and the polynomial coefficients. Where Si is the fit factor of the ith atmospheric absorber and Sj the fit factor of the jth PFT and Sk for the kth pseudo absorber. xl is the lth polynomial [...] LUTs The RTM SCIATRAN version 3.4 (Rozanov et al. , 2002, 2014) was used for the radiative transfer simulations to derive the relationship between the Chla of PFTs and the ratio of the PFT and the VRS fit

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