ASTAR 2007 – Alfred Wegener Institute and German Aerospace Center send aircraft on Arctic mission

Press release

Even seaweeds get sunburned - Scientists of the Alfred Wegener Institute on Spitsbergen investigate the response of seaweeds to increased ultraviolet radiation

Press release

A world novelty for an improved Tsunami Early Warning - Alfred Wegener Institute hands over simulation program for a German-Indonesian Early Warning System

Press release

How will the Arctic sea ice cover develop this summer? – Climate scientists from the Alfred Wegener Institute present their own prognosis for the first time

Press release

From the mountains to the coast – The Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research based in Bremerhaven inherits the World Radiation Monitoring Center, Switzerland

Press release

75th anniversary of the ‘German Greenland Expedition Alfred Wegener’

Press release

Greenlandic special stamp featuring Alfred Wegener

Press release

Premiere in mudflats: first scholarship holders celebrate their graduation from the Centre of Excellence in Observational Oceanography at the Alfred Wegener Institute

Press release

Programmed Multicopter Flies Through the Arctic Autonomously

Arctic Ocean when the compass can’t provide reliable positioning data? Engineers on board the Alfred Wegener Institute’s research icebreaker Polarstern specially programmed a multicopter, allowing it to

Arctic sea ice is not recovering

and Northwest Passages are mostly ice-free already. Scientists from Universität Hamburg and the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) estimate that the ice extent will not hit a record low in 2015 but confirm the