
Main REcoM references: Schourup-Kristensen, V., Wekerle, C., Wolf-Gladrow, D., Völker, C. (2018): Arctic Ocean biogeochemistry in the high resolution FESOM 1.4-REcoM2 model, Progress in Oceanography, 168, [...] (2014). A skill assessment of the biogeochemical model REcoM2 coupled to the Finite Element Sea Ice-Ocean Model (FESOM 1.3), Geoscientific Model Development, 7 (6), 2769-2802. doi:10.5194/gmd-7-2769-2014 [...] Losch, M. and Wolf-Gladrow, D.A. (2013). Seasonally different carbon flux changes in the Southern Ocean in response to the southern annular mode, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 27 (4), 1236-1245. doi:10

Molecular Sea Ice Ecology

Molecular Sea Ice Ecology Polar oceans are seasonally covered by sea ice with an average size of the continent of North America. Despite harsh conditions therein, sea ice and its lower surface can carry [...] community, typically dominated by Diatoms. Sea ice can provide important primary production to polar oceans via these communities, although they are often very patchy. In times of declining sea ice coverage [...] biodiversity, functions provided by its biota, and the future of sea ice communities in a warming ocean. We address these questions through analyses of total communities, their molecular biodiversity and


Atlantic and the Arctic. These include: The formation of salt plumes when new sea ice is formed; the occurrence of deep-ocean mixing, e.g. during cold-air outbreaks; and the diffusion of ocean properties along [...] on simulated ocean hydrography A central idea of NAtMAP is to analyse the influence of local versus remote model resolution on the simulate ocean hydrography in the North Atlantic and Arctic. To this end [...] mid-term meeting in Sopot, Poland. May 2017. (Photo: Tomasz Jankowski) Ocean Dynamics in the Key Regions of North Atlantic-Arctic Exchanges: Comparison of Global FESOM and INMCM Model Simulations with


PowerPoint-Präsentation 9th IICWG-DA Leads and ridges in Arctic sea ice from RGPS data and high resolution sea-ice models Nils Hutter, Martin Losch, Lorenzo Zampieri Alfred Wegener Instiute Bremen, 19th [...] boundaries → Is the representation of deformation features realistic? Why do we care? Atmosphere ice ocean interactions in LKFs Prediction High resolution sea-ice simulations Scaling analysis of sea ice d [...] deformation product Covers 1996 to 2008 in the Amerasian Basin Two MITgcm simulations 2 km resolution Pan-Arctic Simulation period 1992 (1995) – 2012 5 class ITD vs standard VP Hypothesis: Does stronger dependence

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NMR laboratory

questions,” says Christian Bock, “for example, how the warming and acidification of waters in the Arctic due to climate change will affect those animals that are perfectly adapted to living in the cold [...] oxygen. For top athletes, the lactate level is a way of measuring their fitness. In contrast, for Arctic fish that are subjected to rising temperatures, the lactate is an indicator that they are consuming [...] spectrometer with cryoprobe. Discover more A view inside – a fish in the NMR Integrative Ecophysiology Ocean Acidification

New Polarstern

New Polarstern The Research Vessel Polarstern has been underway in the Arctic and Antarctic for 40 years now, giving experts from around the globe the opportunity to safely and effectively conduct research [...] seamlessly build on the successes of the original Polar-stern, like the MOSAiC expedition to the Arctic. The polar regions are an early-warning system for the impacts of climate change and offer us invaluable [...] for Germany the new ship represents an important international contribution to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, so as to achieve the global sustainability targets defined in

New dataset reveals biological “treasure trove” of Arctic Ocean

A major new project will help benchmark biodiversity change in the Arctic Ocean and guide conservation efforts by identifying unique species and assessing their extinction risk. The research led by scientists

New equipment for the AWI - "Gardener"

towards Spitsbergen, to use newly developed equipment in the Arctic Ocean. Autonomous instruments on the seabed, in the water column and in the air will complement the long-term measurements of the deep-sea research [...] RV Polarstern starts the Arctic season
Scientists from the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) are setting out with the research vessel Polarstern towards [...] research group. In this way researchers can analyse the climatic changes in the Arctic and their impact on the fauna in the future with higher temporal and spatial resolution.

New tools and concepts to observe the changing Arctic Ocean

observation of ice, ocean and seafloor processes in the Central Arctic. A main aim is to observe and analyse the changes in the sea ice cover, and its causes and consequences for ocean and life.

News from the CSD

scheduled tasks were done and that the arctic winter 2017/2018 can come… Max Schwanitz, September 2017 _________________________ Stopover of our time-travel into the future ocean to investigate the growth of cold-water [...] complementary expedition in the frame of our time-travel into the future ocean with conditions predicted by the recent IPCC report for the oceans at the end of the century. It was the last trip within the third-part [...] Erfolg und eine gesunde Rückkehr. _________________________ 21.10.-11.11.18: Successful ending of Arctic dive season 2018 at AWIPEV The last dive mission of the season 2018 at AWIPEV in Kongsfjorden (Svalbard)