Tracking down microplastics in Antarctica

Where do these tiny pieces of plastic come from? Researchers from the University of Basel and the Alfred Wegener Institute have shown that it takes precise analysis to answer this question.

AWI directorate speaks on international Arctic conference

Arctic Circle
Today the director of the Alfred Wegener Institute Professor Karin Lochte and Dr Uwe Nixdorf, Vice Director and head of AWI logistics, give presentations in the Country Session Germany

“Face-to-face” Teaching at Last

>Every year, ten international scholarship holders from all corners of the globe come to the Alfred Wegener Institute’s two island-based sites. The POGO-Nippon Foundation Centre of Excellence trains them

Most comprehensive projections for the future revealed

Antarctica is one oft he fastest warming regions on Earth. An international team which involved the Alfred-Wegener-Institut researched which impacts the warming has. The new study is published in the current

New Tsunami scenarios for Indonesian Early Warning System

Chile a few days ago show how important a precise early warning system is. Scientists of the Alfred Wegener Institute support Indonesians to create new tsunami scenarios for the northeast of the archipelago

DNA shearing

DNA shearing Covaris M220 Focused-ultrasonicator™ (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) The Covaris instrument is a focused-ultrasonicator which shears DNA into smaller sized fragments to prepare genomic DNA

Job Offers

contact Dr. Meunier via email to learn about research opportunities. Noctiluca scintillans (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut)


Kontakt: Alfred Wegener Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung Bionischer Leichtbau, Bussestraße 27, 27570 Bremerhaven │ Dr.-Ing. Simone Andresen, Innovative, [...] geringe Masse mehr Informationen: Link Darstellung des Beispiel- projekts Forschungs- partner Das Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung befasst sich mit der anwendungsorientierten [...] Thema forschen und innovative, bionische Leichtbaulösungen entwickeln! Mehr Informationen: Link Alfred-Wegener-Institut | Link Bionischer Leichtbau | Link Schwingungsoptimierung am AWI Optimale Dämpfungs

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aircraft operation illustration the coordination activities at Polarstern and Ny Alesund (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) ACLOUD and AFLUX are 2 joint aircraft campaigns of different German universities and [...] momentum in and below clouds. ACLOUD employed two research aircraft, Polar 5 & 6, operated by the Alfred Wegener Institute. During about 20 research flights with each aircraft properties of cloud and aerosol [...] Leipzig, Germany IGM Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology, University of Collogne, Germany AWI Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven and Potsdam, Germany TROPOS

Proxy Laboratory

predictions about the future of our climate has to first know how it developed in the past. At the Alfred Wegener Institute’s Proxy-Lab, researchers from the Marine Biogeosciences Section are delving hundreds [...] following info-graphic. Close-up of the femtosecond laser in the AWI Proxy Laboratory (Photo: Alfred Wegener Institut) Discover more AWI Proxy Lab: Cutting-edge technology AWI section Marine Biogeosciences [...] nces Dr. Albert Benthien Infograph Workflow in the AWI Proxy Laboratory (Graphic: Alfred Wegener Institut) Video Traces of the Past: Research in the AWI Proxy Laboratory In the depths of the ocean the