expedition will be address expedition as #SoNoAT, implementing Atlantos, Nippon and POGO with handles (@) and #NF_PogoCofE Pre-cruise: Get in contact with involved schools, a short skype interview, Invitation [...] Station Sampling Transect Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 FI SH E- D N A P h yt o p la n kt o n M p Literature/Report writing Day 1 Day 2 21 Day 1: eDNA & FISH Introduction eDNA & FISH – 1 h Sample taking from the CTD: 5L [...] which depth they want to work with (a, b, c, d, or e) and will present the results in their final report. At every depth, where the samples for the eDNA, samples (filters) for FISH will be collected. This