
during tropospheric ozone minima. The ticks on the top of the figure mark the starts of the all ozone sondes. sion coincided with the top of the ozone poor air and the mean potential temperature gradient [...] Spitsbergen having been the source region of the 4.2. Source of the ozone-depleted air masses ozone depletion and so the influence of the topo- graphy of Greenland would have been irrelevant.A striking positive [...] to the ambient ozone partial spring. Measurements of the vertical distribution pressure times the rate of the air flow, was meas- of tropospheric ozone during ozone minima by ured continuously. The dependence

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Fig. 1. Map of the high-latitude Southern Hemisphere showing the locations of the measuring sites discussed in the text. ent timescales, especially focusing on its distinct seasonal- ity. The central topic [...] for particle- bound 222Rn progenies), the characteristics of the bound- ary layer, in particular the depth of the mixing layer, co- determines the actually measured atmospheric222Rn activ- ity concentration [...] seasonality of222Rn activity ob- served from 1995 to 2011. Lines in the middle of the boxes repre- sent sample medians (mean: red line), lower and upper lines of the boxes are the 25th and 75th percentiles;

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y. The the retrieval of vertical profile information from the MAX-DOAS mea- surements requires the simulation of the coupled snowpack- atmosphere radiative transfer, which is subject of Sect.4. The analysis [...] telescope is mounted on the roof of the Neumayer trace gas observa- tory, at a height of approximately 7 m over the snow surface. The viewing plane of the telescope is directed to the north. UV and Vis spectra [...] Hereλk is the centre wavelength of thekth detector pixel. The wavelength window of the retrieval,[λ(K1),λ(K2)], is chosen in order to optimise the signal-to-noise ratio of the trace gases of interest,

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Klages, M. (2008): HAUSGARTEN - The Arctic Deep-Sea Observatory , Talk during the visit of the Director of the Korean Polar Research Institue, Dr. Hong Kum Lee in Brermerhaventh of September 2008. . 173. Klages [...] automated object detection in images from the deep seafloor of the HAUSGARTEN observatory , OCEANS 2012 MTS/IEEE. Harnessing the Power of the Ocean, Hampton Roads, USA, 14 October 2012 - 19 October 2012 . 67 [...] Schewe, I. (2006): Preliminary results of field activities at the Håkon Mosby Mud Volcano and "Hausgarten" during the first year of HERMES , 1st Annual Meeting of the EU funded project HERMES, 18.-22.04.2006

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“80 questions about the southern tip of the world” – The international Antarctic community formulates tomorrow’s challenges to research

Press release


fraction is given by the ratio of the number of cloudy pixels to the total number of pixels in the cell. The dimension of the cell was set to 21 pixels on the basis of the comparison with the Ny-Ålesund cloud [...] provided by the personnel of the Arctic Station. The sodar was positioned SE of the village, on the shore of the Zeppelin Bay far enough from any noise of the village (Figure 1b). Near the sodar, a three-meter [...] Ocean. The geographical distribution of the radiation balance at the top of the atmosphere defines the sources and sinks of energy for the Earth-atmosphere system, and constitutes the forcing of the general

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increased occurrence of cold winters in Europe at the same time give rise to the question as to whether there is a causal connection. Furthermore, there is the question of whether the occurrence of cold winters [...] reduction of the temperature difference between the low and high latitudes – the main forcing factor for atmospheric wind systems. The retreat of the sea ice edge to the north also has an influence on the main [...] (sea ice minimum at the end of summer) has also declined by 50% since 1979. • The past 6 summers were the summers with the lowest extent of sea ice since the beginning of satellite observations. Projections

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absorption coefficient (aph) or the total absorption coefficient (a). The method is based on the knowledge that 80% of the variability in the shape of the aph normalized by its spectral mean from 400 – [...] SynsenPFT. The advantage of the second method is that the relationship can be applied to OC-PFT grid cells even in the absence of PhytoDOAS data, increasing the spatial coverage of the SynsenPFT. Sy-4SciPFT-RB-D1 [...] will adapt the parameterisation relating the fit factor of the specific phytoplankton absorption spectrum divided by the penetration depth with the "real" Chla of the phytoplankton type. The PFT signal

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ng the main PFTs (Table 2.1). The f-PFT/PSC is determined as the ratio of the DPs of a specific PFT/PSC to the sum of the weighted concentration of the seven DPs (DPw). For example, the fraction of Chla [...] 2.4). The standard deviation of the latitudinal position of the PF was used as a proxy of the interannual variability of the PF position. In addition, we included the mean position of the Southern Antarctic [...] (Figure 5.3). The authors linked the start of the blooms south of 40°S to the light availability (indicated by PAR). The development of the blooms in the SO fol- lowing the increase in the seasonal PAR

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ng the main PFTs (Table 2.1). The f-PFT/PSC is determined as the ratio of the DPs of a specific PFT/PSC to the sum of the weighted concentration of the seven DPs (DPw). For example, the fraction of Chla [...] 2.4). The standard deviation of the latitudinal position of the PF was used as a proxy of the interannual variability of the PF position. In addition, we included the mean position of the Southern Antarctic [...] (Figure 5.3). The authors linked the start of the blooms south of 40°S to the light availability (indicated by PAR). The development of the blooms in the SO fol- lowing the increase in the seasonal PAR

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