Global time series resources

rview.html Arctic Ocean Science Board : The Board supports large-scale multinational and interdisciplinary Arctic research projects. Arctic ROOS : Arctic Regional Ocean Observing System [...] hic Information System (OBIS). Ocean Colour Data Portal . OceanSITES : A global network of deap sea reference stations [...] for the study of atmosphere-ocean interactions in the tropical Atlantic. POGO: Partnership for observation of the global ocean. PISCO : long-term


(MAMM, Arctic methane, Southern methane) and the European Union (InGOS, Geomon, IMECC, Meth‐MonitEUr, etc.) over the past 20 years; and also by the MOCA (Methane emissions from the Arctic Ocean) and SOCA [...] Research Laboratory, Global Monitoring Division, US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Boulder, CO, USA, 4Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA [...] (SPO). NOAA = National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; NILU=Norwegian Institute for Air Research; RHUL= Royal Holloway, University of London; INSTAAR= Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research; UHEI

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Graduate School POLMAR

ice dynamics - Arctic climate and ocean dynamics - Earth system modelling - Terrestrial Arctic ecosystems and permafrost Biosciences: - Marine, coastal and shelf sea systems - Arctic ocean ecology and impacts

Great potential for comprehensive monitoring of the water masses in the ocean

Arctic Ocean
More melt water is entering the Artic Ocean from the glaciers due to climbing temperatures. In addition, the rivers are carrying large amounts of sediment from thawing permafrost. How the [...] the Arctic Ocean will react to such changes is a very big question, which is concerning scientists around the world. Researchers from the Alfred Wegener Institute have now published, together with int

Greenland's Ice Conveyor Belt

the Arctic Ocean. Their flow speed is several times higher than the remainder of the ice sheet, which is why the majority of the ice lost is due to these streams. “Ice streams into the Arctic Ocean account [...] Greenland's Ice Conveyor Belt The Greenland ice sheet loses the majority of its ice into the Arctic Ocean through ice streams. An international team of researchers, including staff from the Alfred Wegener [...] Doing so will finally give them the chance to investigate that ice that quickly flows out toward the ocean. We know that the upper layers of the ice flow faster, while friction slows the movement of the lower


interests: Ocean circulation; hydrographic properties of the Arctic Ocean; extensive experience in leading large Arctic Ocean expeditions and in conducting measurements of physical parameters of the ocean with [...] the Arctic Ocean warming? If so − why? How to tackle heat and fresh water budgets? Role of bottom boundary processes; role of hydrothermal vents for the Arctic Ocean; exchange between Arctic Ocean and [...] Introduction Ocean and shelf seas are pivotal to the future of humankind. Currently the oceans provide roughly 20 % of the protein consumed by humans. Emerging countries, with a huge need for ocean resources

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FRAM (Frontiers in Arctic marine Monitoring) HGF infrastructur programme Duration: 01.08.2014 - 31.07.2021 Coordination: Antje Boetius, AWI, Bremerhaven The FRAM Ocean Observing System will be installed [...] installed in the gateway between the North Atlantic and the Central Arctic, representing a highly climate-sensitive and rapidly changing region of the Earth system. FRAM will implement existing and next-generation [...] next-generation sensors and observatory platforms, allowing synchronous observation of relevant ocean variables, as well as the study of physical, chemical and biological processes in the water column and at the

Hauke Flores

Flores, marine biologist at the Alfred Wegener Institute. Biodiversity Arctic Ocean Life in the Polar Sea The sea-ice regions of the Arctic and Antarctic are among the most rapidly changing habitats on Earth [...] Understand the Warming Arctic Find out more > Dialogue & Lectures Webinar | 28.05.2020 ARICE, The Ice and The Fish: An Arctic Expedition APECS, ARICE Science Lecture | 31.01.2020 Arctic Sea Ice Ecology MOSAiC [...] Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program (CBMP) of the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF) initiative of the Arctic Council National representative


Expert Panel on Research Vessels and the Working Group of an Integrated Ecosystem Assessment of the Arctic Ocean of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES WG-ICA). Hauke Flores also [...] permanent scientist at AWI. Hauke Flores has participated in 10 international expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctic. He has published 40 scientific papers, mainly on the importance of climate change [...] Ecosystems of the Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program (CBMP-Marine), an expert group of the Arctic Council. Hauke Flores is involved in education at school and university, has published several chapters

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Heat from Below: How the Ocean is Wearing Down the Arctic Sea Ice

Arctic Ocean
The influx of warmer water masses from the North Atlantic into the European marginal seas of the Arctic Ocean plays a significant role in the marked decrease in sea-ice growth, especially [...] evident a year later, when the ice has drifted towards Greenland via the North Pole and leaves the Arctic through Fram Strait. This study also includes data from the MOSAiC expedition.