
Alfred-Wegener-Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research BREMERHAVEN, Germany Technology Transfer Office Am Handelshafen 12 27570 Bremerhaven Phone: +49 471/4831-1517

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Alfred-Wegener-Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research BREMERHAVEN Technology Transfer Office Am Handelshafen 12 27570 Bremerhaven Germany Phone: +49 471/4831-1143

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Scientists from the Alfred Wegener Institute developed the content concept of the exhibition together with the municipality of Helgoland and the agency "studio klv". The Alfred Wegener Institute conducts [...] olstein and the municipality of Helgoland. The concept of the exhibition was realised by the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), which is also responsible for [...] serves as a foundation for their projects. In future, BLUEHOUSE HELGOLAND will be operated by the Alfred Wegener Institute, supported by the municipality of Helgoland. However, all those involved still have

Oceanographic measurements at the 79°North Glacier

floating ice tongue of the 79° North Glacier, Greenland. (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) Contact Janin Schaffer Janin Schaffer (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) The 79° North Glacier is one of two fast flowing [...] photo of the surface of the 79° North Glacier. (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) The calving front of the 79° North Glacier. (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) No research vessel has yet made it to this point [...] area as big as 15 per cent of the Greenland inland ice and connects it with the ocean. (Graphic: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) Can warm Atlantic water become a risk for the glacier? If you look at the development


Alfred-Wegener-Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research BREMERHAVEN, Germany Technology Transfer Office Am Handelshafen 12 DE-27570 Bremerhaven Phone: +49 471/4831-1143

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Alfred-Wegener-Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research BREMERHAVEN Technology Transfer Office Am Handelshafen 12, 27570 Bremerhaven Germany Phone: +49 471/4831-1517, Email:

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Illustration of a buoy observatory (Graphic: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) The properties of the atmosphere, sea-ice and the polar oceans, and feedbacks between these domains play an important role in global [...] Dr. Marcel Nicolaus Dr. Benjamin Rabe Deployment of an ocean profilers in the sea-ice (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut)

Antarctic Biology

ecology, sea ice. Irene Schloss: Hydrography, biology potter_cove_Anders_Torstensson.jpg (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) Zooplankton time series of the Polarstern expeditions Background Several long-term [...] Summary of Polarstern stations in the Antarctic where zooplankton was sampled and analyzed (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut)

Food web models in politics and management

need for an entire ecosystem approach to prevent crises ENA Wirkshop 2017 - Participants (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) Aim of the workshop The course aims to increase the understanding of food web model [...] Schückel or Dr. Sabine Horn to sign up for the workshop. Location Wadden Sea Station on Sylt of the Alfred- Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung. Costs The course is on a volunteer [...] Scharler (University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa) Monday: 25.09.2017 09:00-09:15 Welcome at the Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Wadden Sea Station Sylt K.H. Wiltshire

Permafrost - An introduction

surroundings make it difficult to accurately assess the risk – which is why researchers from the Alfred Wegener Institute embark on expeditions to the polar regions every year in order to better understand [...] how likely it is to decay in the future. Typical permafrost landscape in Yukon, Canada (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) What is permafrost? Researchers use the term permafrost, or permanently frozen ground [...] over decades to millennia into ice wedges. Permafrost structures in the Canadian Arctic (Photo: Alfred Wegener Institut) What is the structure of permafrost soil? Permafrost typically is overlain by an active