
inflow leaves the Arctic Ocean through Fram Strait so that the volume flow is not balanced to be zero. To quantify the variation of volume, heat and salt fluxes through Fram Strait, an array of moorings is [...] salinity in the WSC in Fram Strait were highest in the 10-year observation record. An increase of the AW spatial coverage was also observed. The current pattern in the northern Fram Strait is very irregular [...] 3 Narrative of the cruise 4-5 4.4 Preliminary results 4-9 4.4.1 Hydrography and circulation in the Fram Strait 4-9 4.4.2 Ecosystems time series studies and experimental work in the deep Arctic Ocean 4-24

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doi:10.1073/pnas.2301954120 Hossain, A. , Knorr, G. , Jokat, W. and Lohmann, G. (2021): Opening of the Fram Strait led to the establishment of a modern-like three-layer stratification in the Arctic Ocean during


changing Arctic Ocean – Overview of long-term summer measurements in the Fram Strait Variability of chlorophyll a distribution in the Fram Strait, Greenland Sea and Central Arctic Ocean. Polar Research34: 23349 [...] Summertime in situ chlorophyll a and particulate organic carbon standing stocks in surface waters of the Fram Strait and the Arctic Ocean (1991 – 2015). Frontiers in Marine Science 7: 350. doi: 10.3389/fmars [...] Salter I., Nöthig E.-M. (2018) Inter-annual variability of organic carbon concentrations across the Fram Strait (Arctic Ocean) during summer 2009 -2017. Frontiers in Marine Science 6: 187. DOI: 10.3389/fmars

Completed Projects

Thomas Rackow | Tido Semmler Follow ESM on Twitter @project_esm More information about this project FRAM FRontiers in Arctic marine Monitoring Our ability to understand the complex interactions of biological [...] and interdisciplinary observation infrastructures. The main purpose of the open-ocean infrastructure FRAM is permanent presence at sea, from surface to depth, for the provision of near real-time data on Earth [...] system dynamics, climate variability and ecosystem change. The Climate Dynamics section supports the FRAM infrastructure program with high-resolution ocean and sea-ice simulations. Vibe Schourup-Kristensen


North Sea (in-house project; PIs: Claudia Lorenz (DBU stipend), Sebastian Primpke and Gunnar Gerdts) Fram Pollution Observatory / Microplastics in the Arctic (in-house project; PIs: Melanie Bergmann, Ilka


column biogeochemistry. Daniel Scholz (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) Daniel Scholz - Within the FRAM project (Frontiers in Arctic Monitoring), my responsibilities are the development, deployment, calibration [...] in-situ sensor platforms that are used to monitor nutrients and carbonate chemistry parameters in the Fram Strait and the Central Arctic Ocean. To monitor such parameters in the ocean, it is common practice


0 The influence of ice conditions on the zooplankton community composition: a case study from the Fram Strait Niehoff, B., Leßke, R., Hildebrandt, N., Ershova, E., Kosobokova, Ks. 12:00-13:30 Lunch 13:30-13:45 [...] Timokhov, L., Thiede, J. 13:45-14:00 Holocene environmental changes in the Laptev Sea and the western Fram Strait – the sea level-sea ice connection Spielhagen, R.F., Zehnich, M., Syring, N., Taldenkova, E

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keeping our fingers crossed until the last minute that we will still be able to sample the ice in the Fram Strait again this year. © Sebastian H. Schroeder Lander Findings – Feasting in the Deep Sea 31. July

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several moorings with physical and biogeochemical sensors distributed over a certain area (e.g. in the Fram Strait or in the Weddell Sea) over a period of several years or even decades. This has been done at


floes within a radius of about 5 km around the main floe. This small network will drift from here to Fram Strait by next summer, sending data back to us via satellite. The measurements will record the annual

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