AWI Technical Centre: The Shell is Complete

is now complete. Since the ongoing pandemic made a live topping-out ceremony impossible, the Alfred Wegener Institute marked the milestone for the new building with a video topping-out speech and greetings [...] workshops and laboratories, which will equip the Rasmus Willumsen House, named in honour of Alfred Wegener’s companion, to serve as a core site for the development of innovative maritime and polar technologies


funded Life Cycle Assessment of land-based seaweed cultivation for packaging material - 1 (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) Discover Insights into Environmental Impact of Algae-Based Industries with PhD Karina [...] Ecology and Economy: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Insights into Algae-Based Industries" at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research. Seminar will be on October 5th at 10:00 AM. PhD Karina [...] project activities will take place at various institutions, including the University of Latvia, the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, and the Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences.


AWI EXPERT Gesine Mollenhauer is a geoscientist at the Marine Geochemistry Section of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven, and a Professor of Organic [...] and to the permafrost regions of the Arctic. Since 2006, she is head of a research group at the Alfred Wegener Institute, in which she and her colleagues investigate the transport of organic materials to [...] marine sediments, as well as their impact on the global climate. Furthermore, she is head of the Alfred Wegener Institute’s 14C dating laboratory, which was founded in 2016, and has been the Speaker for G

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Aircraft based observations

in Longyerbyen (Photo: Alfred Wegener Institut) Low altitude flight of Polar 5 with dragged EM Bird to determine the sea ice thickness during PAMARCMIP 2011 (Photo: Alfred Wegener Institut) Schematic of [...] of sea-ice thickness surveys with an EM-Bird using a Basler BT-67 research aircraft (Graphic: Alfred Wegener Institut)

Tracing ocean acidification

lift. (Photo: Alfred Wegener Institut) Scientists and crew empty the fish lift into the pool on deck (Photo: Alfred Wegener Institut) Juvenile cod in a pool on deck (Photo: Alfred Wegener Institut) In search [...] route of the RV Heincke in summer 2013 (Photo: Alfred Wegener Institut) The first haul Due to this research quest six scientists from the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine [...] can be found in large numbers in the fjords of Spitsbergen. In summer 2013 biologists of the Alfred Wegener Institute therefore ventured to this specific region of the Arctic Ocean, which used to be dominated

Long-term Upper-Air Meteorology

Ny-Ålesund. (Photo: Alfred Wegener Institut) Publication Change of the winter mean (December-January-February) relative humidity from Ny-Ålesund radiosondes. (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) A manuscript [...] Arctic (AWIPEV Research Base in Ny-Ålesund, Spitsbergen) Radiosonde launch in Ny-Ålesund. (Photo: Alfred Wegener Institut) In Ny-Ålesund, radiosonde measurements are operated since 1991, with regular daily [...] Annual cycle of tropospheric temperatures from radiosondes 1993 to 2014 in Ny-Ålesund. (Photo: Alfred Wegener Institut) Ny-Alesund Radiosondes: Reference Upper-Air Data The inhomogeneity in the historical

Infrared Based Whale Detection - AWI OZA

Sea). Alfred-Wegener-Institut (CC-BY 4.0) (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) ANT 22.3: V-shaped blow of a baleen whale in the Southern Ocean. Note the tilted horizon caused by the ship's roll. Alfred-Wege [...] titut (CC-BY 4.0) (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) ANT 23.6 A minke whale blows through a hole it maintains in the solid sea ice during austral winter. (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) ANT 24.3 The ice [...] blows (next image). Alfred-Wegener-Institut (CC-BY 4.0) (Photo: ?) ANT 24.3 A whale blowing at around 1km distance in a lead in the sea ice of the ice covered Southern Ocean. Alfred-Wegener-Institut (CC-BY


CHARTER (Graphic: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) Funding period: 1.8.2020 - 31.7.2024 CHARTER is an ambitious effort to advance adaptive capacity of Arctic communities to climatic and biodiversity changes. This [...] Funding CHARTER is funded by the EU research programme Horizon 2020 . Contact Dr. Heidrun Matthes Alfred-Wegener-Institute Helmholtz-Centre for Polar and Marine Sciences Climate Sciences | Atmospheric Physics

International Symposium 20 Years of Lena Expeditions

Research Institute (AARI), Sankt Petersburg University of Hamburg, Institute of Soil Science (UHH) Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), Bremerhaven and Potsdam Melnikov [...] SB RAS), Yakutsk German Centre for Research and Innovation (DWIH Moscow) group picture (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) Symposium Program: PDF The anniversary was also celebrated with a festschrift summarizing [...] Grosse , A. Morgenstern , E. Pfeiffer , V. Rachold; L. Schirrmeister (editors) , Deutschland, Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung, 205 p., ISBN: 978-3-88808-716-5 .

A symbolic tree in the Russian Arctic

research. Siberia's timberline (Photo: Alfred Wegener Institut) Map over Siberia (Photo: Alfred Wegener Institut) The Samoylov Island in the Lena Delta (Photo: Alfred Wegener Institut) Climate change or the human [...] discovered the first larches in the region – an absolute first! A larch on Samoylov Island (Photo: Alfred Wegener Institut) In June 2014, Gunara Nugamatsyamova from Kazan Federal University (Russia) discovered [...] regularly reporting a growing number of “invasive” alders to Station Engineer Günther Stoof from the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI). An initial explanation for this