Arctic phytoplankton

and phytoplankton functional types (PFT) using shipboard underway AC-S flow-through system in the Fram Strait. These quality-controlled datasets are finally used to validate the quality of the Chl-a datasets [...] -M., Hellmann S., Wiegmann S., Bracher A. (in press 22 Jan 2018) Underway spectrophotometry in the Fram Strait (European Arctic Ocean): a highly resolved chlorophyll a data source for complementing satellite [...] between Chl-a data obtained from underway AC-S flow-through system and HPLC measurements during the Fram Strait cruises PS93.2 and PS99.2.


as a consequence, the total carbon mobilized into the Arctic Ocean, leave the Arctic basin via the Fram Srait, following the East Greenland Current (EGC) and through the Davis Strait within the Baffin Current [...] that the CDOM concentration (determined based on the absorption at 375nm) in the western part of the Fram Strait is strongly correlated to meteoric water (i.e. the fraction of fresh water signal, from continent) [...] ocean color. Chem. Rev . 107, 402–418. Dodd, P.A. et al. (2012). The freshwater composition of the Fram Strait outflow derived from a decade of tracer measurements. J. Geophys. Res . 117, C11005, doi: 10


only (Fram Strait). The western, sea ice-dominated, part of Fram Strait proved to have short, late (middle May) and time varying phytoplankton blooms. At the marginal sea ice zone of the western Fram Strait [...] warm and salty Atlantic waters, experienced earlier (end of April) and longer blooms. In the eastern Fram Strait, stratification due to solar warming proved to act as a guiding factor for the the open ocean [...] Boetius, A. (2014) Influence of the physical environment on phytoplankton blooms: a case study in the Fram Strait , Journal of Marine Systems, 132 , pp. 196-207. doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2013.11.008 , hdl:10013/epic


over Svalbard during a flight of the Polar 5 aircraft on its way towards the measurement region over Fram Strait during ACLOUD. (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) Polar 6 after touch-down in Longyearbyen, Svalbard


FRAM (Frontiers in Arctic marine Monitoring) HGF infrastructur programme Duration: 01.08.2014 - 31.07.2021 Coordination: Antje Boetius, AWI, Bremerhaven The FRAM Ocean Observing System will be installed [...] Central Arctic, representing a highly climate-sensitive and rapidly changing region of the Earth system. FRAM will implement existing and next-generation sensors and observatory platforms, allowing synchronous


observatory was established in the Fram Strait in 1998 to study long-term processes and diversity changes in the plankton and benthos. The Fram Strait essentially forms a connection between Arctic and Antlantic [...] integral component of the FRAM project in which a range of new technologies for sustained, (semi) autonomous observations will greatly extend the scope of ocean observations in the Fram Strait. This will facilitate [...] and has also been registered as an official LTER site. Deep Sea Group PEBCAO Zooplankton FRAM Hausgarten (FRAM) publications Literature up to 2015 Related pages Related pages Emerging Time series The


Dr. Judith Piontek Dr. Ian Salter associated groups: PLANKTOSENS Langzeitobservatorium HAUSGARTEN FRAM ICEFLUX


important to monitor how long it takes before Pacific Water again exits Fram Strait and to compare the Pacific Water outflow through Fram Strait and the Canadian Archipelago. [...] distinguish between water of Pacific and Atlantic origin in the Arctic. Nutrient data from 1984 to 1997 in Fram Strait showed that a surface layer of about 50 m of pure Pacific Water is present above the slope


s Partner News Antarctica InSync Research program Research infrastructure Observatories Ocean: FRAM FRAM-Geraete en Water: COSYNA Air: Meteorology On land: Geophysics Laboratories and facilities Ice Core [...] Crawler NOMAD Sediment Samplers Moorings Water Sampler Observatories LTER Observatory HAUSGARTEN FRAM Ocean Observing System Publications Data Geosciences Geophysics Research Focus Oceanic microseisms [...] Phytooptics group Cooperation Partners Team Team Projects MOSAiC MIDO RACE ARCGATE FISP GROCE UDASH FRAM Phytooptics Instruments and Methods Moorings Biooptical instruments Satellite ocean color CTD Instrument

Transdrift: Arctic Ice-Ocean-Interaction

the major flux gates such as the Fram Strait , requires a closer look at the origin of the ice leaving the Arctic Ocean. It is assumed that a substantial part of the Fram Strait export is formed in the Siberian [...] Siberian shelf seas, connected with Fram Strait via the Transpolar Drift. Among the Siberian shelf seas the Laptev Sea is considered one of the most significant regions of net ice production and export