as a consequence, the total carbon mobilized into the Arctic Ocean, leave the Arctic basin via the Fram Srait, following the East Greenland Current (EGC) and through the Davis Strait within the Baffin Current [...] that the CDOM concentration (determined based on the absorption at 375nm) in the western part of the Fram Strait is strongly correlated to meteoric water (i.e. the fraction of fresh water signal, from continent) [...] ocean color. Chem. Rev . 107, 402–418. Dodd, P.A. et al. (2012). The freshwater composition of the Fram Strait outflow derived from a decade of tracer measurements. J. Geophys. Res . 117, C11005, doi: 10


data will help us to quantify the role of clouds in the lower Arctic atmosphere over the Northern Fram Strait. Similar to ACLOUD our strategy during AFLUX is to measure in, above, and below clouds with [...] weather maps from different prediction models showed that a cold-air outbreak began to evolve over Fram Strait. The maps predict that this outbreak will last over several days so that we can expect good [...] over sea ice was flown and combined cloud radar and drop sonde measurements followed over the open Fram Strait during the way back from North to South. Total campaign flight hours this week (airtime: 11

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airport so that flights were impossible. After this period a new cold air outbreak had developed over Fram Strait but this was accompanied by very strong winds with gusts above 40 Kn at the airport. Since [...] we were happy that conditions were good enough to perform a flight over both the ice free part of Fram Strait but also over sea ice, this time up to 83° N. Moreover, strong wind is helpful for the turbulence [...] ideal and the cold air outbreak was still ongoing. We went first to a position west of Svalbard over Fram Strait, and followed then roughly the direction of convection rolls to the North. Such rolls mostly

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Mobile pelagic Systems

of the Fram Strait – a Robotic Approach. PhD Thesis, University of Bremen. Wulff, T., Bauerfeind, E., von Appen, W.J. (2016). Physical and ecological processes at a moving ice edge in the Fram Strait as

Modell Simulations

Arctic, that would be e.g. transport of ice or water through Fram Strait. AWI has collected long time series of measurements across the Fram which can be used for model validation. A thorough discussion

Long Term Observations

III) Magnetics (Neumayer-Station III) Infrasound (Neumayer-Station III) Biology North Sea Arctic (Fram and Svalbard) Antarctic Oceanography Arctic Time series Antarctic time series Terrestrial time series

In every nook and cranny - litter in the ocean depths

inhabiting the bottom of the Fram Strait – the waters between east Greenland and Svalbard. This part of the world is home to the HAUSGARTEN observatory, which is part of the FRAM infrastructure. It is monitored [...] debris found at the bottom of the ocean in proximity of the AWI deep-sea observatory HAUSGARTEN in the Fram Stait (Sea passage between Greenland and Spitsbergen). (Photo: Melanie Bergmann/OFOS) Plastic bag [...] Litter Deep-sea observatory HAUSGARTEN Camera system OFOS Online portal LITTERBASE New data from the Fram Strait To determine to what extent the results from the HAUSGARTEN are representative for the overall

Boundary layer processes

for cold-air outbreaks in the Arctic are the Fram Strait and Barents Sea. The Figure shows an example of a cold-air outbreak with convection rolls over Fram Strait caused by a low pressure system over Svalbard [...] investigated. Impact of sea ice morphology on energy and momentum transport Marginal sea ice zone (Fram Strait, near Svalbard) with drifting floes and small ridges at the floe edges. (Photo: Alfred-Weg [...] Lüpkes, J. Hartmann, and M. Raschendorfer (2005), A case study on a polar cold air outbreak over Fram Strait using a mesoscale weather prediction model , Boundary Layer Meteorol. , 117 , 301–336, doi:

The benefits of models

Alfred-Wegener-Institut) If we can realistically simulate the past and present processes at work in the Fram Strait, we can then calculate projections for the future. I work with FESOM, the Finite Element Sea [...] ocean currents, hydrography and sea ice. I’m currently using FESOM to simulate the circulation in the Fram Strait, which is located between Greenland and Svalbard and represents one of the most important

Climate magazine

Pulse of Heat in the North Atlantic The future of the Arctic Ocean will be decided in part in the Fram Strait Find out more Always the right scale For their calculations, climate modellers portray the