Ship cruises
Ship cruises is an integrated part of SeaPump. We are using the cruises to study the controlling processes for the export and turnover of organic matter. We are also deploying and testing the in situ equipment we are developing.
RV Poseidon POS481, POS495
SeaPump went with RV Poseidon, POS481 und POS495, to the upwelling region off Cape Blanc, NW Africa.
RV Meteor ME108
SeaPump went with RV Meteor, ME108, to the long-term observatory of Southampton National Oceanographic Centre 'Porquepine Abyssal Plain'.
RV Polarstern PS93.2 und PS99.2
SeaPump went with RV Polarstern, PS93.2 und PS99.2, to the long-term observatory of Alfred-Wegener-Institute 'FRAM'.