Native Oyster Restoration Alliance
Network Foundation NORA
In November 2017, the first international workshop on Native Oyster Restoration in Europe was held by AWI and BfN in Berlin.
The workshop was attended by 65 participants from 11 countries, representing experts from science, nature conservation, commercial production, bio-consulting and policy advisers. It be- came obvious that despite the existing momentum and will for restoring native oysters and their valuable ecosystem services, several barriers to the successful wide scale uptake of native oyster restoration still needed to be addressed.
Following these discussions workshop participants established the Native Oyster Restoration Alliance (NORA) for the protection and restoration of the endangered European oyster.
Long-term goal of the alliance: The native European oyster is to be re-established as a former key species in the North Sea and adjacent European seas in order to restore species-rich reef structures as extensively as possible.
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