16. August 2017
Online news

Federal Cross of Merit for Karin Lochte

Appreciation for her outstanding professional and private engagement
Karin Lochte wurde mit dem Bundesverdienstkreuz ausgezeichnet (Photo: Angelika Dummermuth)

AWI Director Prof. Dr. Karin Lochte has been awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on August 16 in Berlin. With this honor Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier appreciates the outstanding professional und private work of Karin Lochte.

The decision was made on the proposal of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research saying that Karin Lochte has shaped the national and international research on climate change and environmental protection in the polar regions and the North Sea for many years.

Furthermore, her engagement with her privately-initiated foundation supporting disadvantaged young people was emphasized.


Press Office

Nadine Michel