18. January 2021
Weekly report

South of the Roaring Forties - approaching Atka Bay

First Icebergs (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut / Tim Heitland)

The expedition continues to work according to plan. A fact that is probably not very exciting for readers, thus, for us very enjoyable. The Roaring Forties were more like Wavy Forties, as the announced low-pressure area arriving from west brought less extreme wind speeds but instead a rather unpleasant wave. The thermometer dropped by more than 10 ° C within one day and finally down to the current 0 ° C.

In the area of ​​Atka Bay, which is our destination, a heavy storm is currently raging with flying snow and conditions that make unloading the ship impossible. The forecast promises an improvement in the weather for 19.01.

Since around the 50th longitude we meet icebergs, albatrosses and other sea birds as well as whales. It is a special privilege to be able to see all this with your own eyes.

The journey is ending like it began - with many waves. A highly motivated team of technicians, scientists and the new winterers will leave the vessel together with me. After the unloading procedure, Polarstern will continue to the Falkland Islands for a crew change.During a scientific expedition in the Weddell Sea, she will return to Atka Bay. Then, all those who have wintered during the past season and all those who will not stay for the next wintering season will go on board and thus embark for the last section of their long journey. We will wave goodbye to the ten new winterers, and for those of you who would like to know how they are doing, we recommend the AtkaExpress. I would like to thank Captain Langhinrichs and the entire crew of Polarstern for a wonderful, efficient and successful time. I thank all readers for their interest and send

best regards from the Incredible Seventies,

Tim Heitland



Tim Heitland

Scientific Coordination

Ingo Schewe
Ingo Schewe


Sanne Bochert
Sanne Bochert