M.Sc. Rebecca Konijnenberg ORCID

Data Scientist for the Weddell Sea MPA Project, Functional Ecology
Rebecca Konijnenberg
Benthic Ecology
Alfred Wegener Institute

Am Handelshafen 12
27570 Bremerhaven
(Building Container ABC | Room 25)

Publications and more

Publications, Presentations and Reports: EPIC repository
ResearchGate | Orcid | Research profile


I work with the ecological data underpinning the Weddell Sea MPA Propoisal currently submitted to CCAMLR. This involves a lot of the data aquisition and management, but also creating models necessary to predict where different species might occur.


---------- I am an APECS Germany Board Member ----------

Research interests

My background is in both marine ecology and international policy, and my research interest is very much interdisciplinary.