Dr. Mathias Wegner ORCID

Mathias Wegner
Coastal Ecology
Alfred Wegener Institute

25992 List
(Room 202)

Publications and more

Publications, Presentations and Reports: EPIC repository
Data: PANGAEA repository
ResearchGate | GoogleScholar | Orcid


AG Community & Evolutionary Ecology, Molecular & Miccrobiological labs Sylt; Tierschutzbeauftragter Sylt

Research interests

Global change and evolutionary genetics of pathogen resistance in coastal ecosystems

How global change and increasing physical stress interact with emerging marine diseases is largely unexplored in coastal ecosystems. Evolutionary consequences for such altered interactions between hosts and bacterial pathogens are even less known. I focus on ubiquitous bacterial pathogens (genus Vibrio) and invasive parasites (Mytilicola sp.) within the Wadden sea ecosystem and model host species ,i.e. Pacific oysters and blue mussels to explore the evolutionary trajectories of both hosts and parasites.