Dipl. Ing. (FH). Klaus-Uwe Richter


Division Marine BioGeoScience
Related page
Email Klaus-Uwe Richter
Phone +49(471)4831-1482
Fax +49(471)4831-1149
Address Alfred Wegener Institute

Am Handelshafen 12
27570 Bremerhaven
(Building E | Room 2035)

Publications and more

Publications, Presentations and Reports: EPIC repository
Data: PANGAEA repository


Mass spectrometry instrumentation (development and maintenance in the section Marine Biogeo Sciences and the AWI ICP-MS facility)

Development of scientific instrumentation

Research interests

Development of membrane inlet mass-spectrometric (MIMS) gas exchange measurement techniques for marine phytoplankton

ICP-MS method development (stable isotopes, element ratio)

Method development for femto second laser ablation ICP-MS