Prof. Dr. Kimberley Peters

Head of Marine Governance
Kimberley Peters
Marine Governance
Helmholtz-Institut für Funktionelle Marine Biodiversität

Im Technologiepark 5
26129 Oldenburg

Publications and more

Publications, Presentations and Reports: EPIC repository


I lead the Marine Governance Group


I also have a number of external responsibilities:


1) I am Associate Editor of the journal Political Geography (2020 - Present);

2) I am Editor of the Routledge Planetary Spaces Book Series (2018 – Present)

3) I sit on the Editorial Boards for the journals Social and Cultural Geography (2019 - Present) and Island Studies Journal (2016 - Present)

4) I am External Assessor to the MA Territory and Governance programme at Kings College London, UK (Tenure 2018 – present)

5) I have been, and continue to be, External Examiner to numerous PhD defences in the UK and internationally;

6) I am a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society.

Research interests

I am interested in the following areas:


1) The geographies of governing marine space, resources and life;

2) The spatialities of governing non-landed spaces per se that are beyond national state-based jurisdictions (including not just the (high) seas but also the air, ice, and outer space);

3) The politics of territory, containment, control and carcerality in governance regimes;

4) Theories of space, governance and mobilities that play out in management practice.


I have explored these interests in a number of applied projects:


* The governance of global shipping in the Arctic;

*The politics of developing and enacting ship routeing measures;

* Developing alternatives to fixed, static and bordered ways of 'territorially' zoning the sea for conservation and planning;

* The governance of illicit movements at sea

* The control, containment and removal of populations at/to sea;

* The politics of sustainability measures in Anthropocene oceans.