Dr. Gesche Krause ORCID

Social Scientist
Alfred Wegener Institute

Bussestraße 27
27570 Bremerhaven

Publications and more

Publications, Presentations and Reports: EPIC repository
ResearchGate | GoogleScholar | Orcid


Social Science lead in the PrimePrevention Consortium on marine biological hazards; Executive Board Member of the Future Forum Ocean (ZFO); Co-Chair of the Working Group of Knowledge Transfer of the German Marine Research Alliance (DAM); Chair of ICES Working Group on Social and Economic Dimensions of Aquaculture (WGSEDA); Chair of Working Group Food from the Ocean of the EU4Ocean Platform; Expert Group Member of EU Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA) of the European Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM) on Food from the Oceans

Research interests

Social-Ecological Dimensions of Marine Resources;

Socio-Economic Assessments; Science-Policy Interactions; Inter-and transdisciplinary Research Approaches; Social-Ecological Transformation Processes; Social Dimensions of Aquaculture and Marine Food Systems