Dr. Gabriele Uenzelmann-Neben ORCID

Senior Scientist
Gabriele Uenzelmann-Neben
Alfred Wegener Institute

Am Alten Hafen 26
27568 Bremerhaven
(Building D | Room 3290)

Publications and more

Publications, Presentations and Reports: EPIC repository
Data: PANGAEA repository
ResearchGate | GoogleScholar | Orcid | Research profile


ECORD member of Internationl Ocean Drilling Programme Mission-Specific Platform Facility Board;

Associate Editor Marine Geology;

Member of National Scientific Committee of Antarctic Research SCAR

Research interests

continental margins;

Geophysics of the polar regions;

sediment transport processes;

glaciomarine sedimentation

reconstruction of sedimentary environments, climate and oceanic circulation using the high resolution imaging of sedimentary structures;

large igneous provinces LIPs;

seismic processing;