30. April 2018
Online news

In the focus of international cooperation on signs of climate change

Two high-level delegations with representatives from science and politics visit the German-French Arctic research base AWIPEV in Ny Alesund

The delegations were informed in detail about international cooperation at the site with a focus on climate and environmental research. Accompanied by Kim Holmen, International Director at the Norwegian Polar Research Institute NPI, the visit to Svalbard gave them a chance to see the effects of climate change up close.

Svalbard Governor Kjerstin Askholt and NPI Director Ole Arve Misund welcomed both delegations on 30 April. The first delegation from 26 - 30 April, headed by AWI Director Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius, included Prof. Dr. Jérôme Chappelaz (Director of the French Institute Polaire Paul-Emile Victor / IPEV), Prof. Dr. Otmar Wiestler (President of the Helmholtz Association), Prof. Dr. Ing. Wolfgang Marquardt (Chairman of the Board of Directors of Forschungszentrum Jülich), and MdB Dr. Ing. Stefan Kaufmann (member of the Helmholtz Senate).

From April 30 to May 3, a second delegation under the direction of Prof. Dr. Karen Wiltshire (AWI Vice Director) visits the research station: Dr. Thomas Götz, German Ambassador to Norway, Counsellor Ulrich Peitz, Prof. Dr. Matthias Kleiner (President of the Leibniz Association) and Carolin Emcke (journalist and author) receive detailed information on atmospheric research and other long-term observations on climate change on Svalbard. The participants have been extremely impressed by the signs of climate change in air, ice, water, soil and the biosphere, which are immediately recognizable. They praised the international research activities on site and the close German-French-Norwegian cooperation. The cooperation of the various nations in the research village Ny Alesund is a very good example of international and interdisciplinary research at the highest level.



Angelika Dummermuth