Infrastructure, Services, and Support

intelligence / machine learning applications. The Systems Branch of the Computing and Data Centre of Alfred Wegener Institute is in charge of all infrastructures and services that are required to fulfill these [...] the address helpdesk(at) The service portal is only available to AWI employees. (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) Storage & Server The Storage & Server group maintains the bare metal for storage and [...] 000 CPUs und 1.5 PB of parallel storage (in cooperation with the IT Computing group). (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) Core IT Services The Core IT Services group provides basic services for the day-to-day

PDZ Europa Scientific 20-20 Mass Spectrometer

for isotope analysis. Sample preparation (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Levent Vorpahl) Ceramic tube furnace (Carbolite GmbH) (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Levent Vorpahl) For measuring stable oxygen [...] e oxygen– Rapid Communicatons in Mass Spectrometry 24: 2655–2664. Laser fluorination (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Levent Vorpahl) Dehydrated samples are then combusted under BrF5 atmosphere by means [...] opal to O2 and SiF4 (this process is called laser fluorination). PDZ Europa 2020 IRMS (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Levent Vorpahl) Polar Terrestrial Environmental Systems: <link en science geosciences


Rothera Airstrip (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) Polar 5 at Rothera. (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) Twin-Otter (BAS) viewed from Polar 5 near Rothera. (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) View from Polar [...] Polar 5. (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) Nygard, T., Vihma, T., Birnbaum, G. , Hartmann, J. , Lachlan-Cope, T., Ladkin, R., Lüpkes, C. and Weiss, A. (2016), Validation of eight atmospheric reanalyses in the

Novel lenses enable X-ray microscopy with record resolution

Marine plankton
In cooperation with the Alfred Wegener Institute scientists at DESY, a Research Centre of the Helmholtz Association, have developed novel lenses that enable X-ray microscopy with record


st in R ol fe s / A lf re d W eg en er In st it ut e Guido Grosse is a Polar Researcher at the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), and has been investigating [...] returned to Germany and, in 2016, assumed leadership of the Permafrost Research Division at the Alfred Wegener Institute in Potsdam. His research currently focuses on the role of permafrost in the Earth system

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Automatic Weather Stations

Preis AWS Søråsen AWS Filchner AWS Halvfarryggen AWS Kohnen AWS test site at Neumayer_III (Photo: Alfred Wegener Institut) At AWI, modifyed AWS-systems based on stations from Campell Scientific are in use. [...] get saved locally inside the AWS. In parallel, they get transmitted hourly via IRIDIUM to the Alfred Wegener Institute. The most recent data get forwarded into the Globale Telekommunikation System (GTS)


Permafrost carbon Sampling a Yedoma cliff, Sobo Sise island, Lena Delta (Photo: Alfred Wegener Institut) Arctic landscapes, especially those underlain by permafrost, are threatened by climate warming and [...] of organic matter into the soil column. Scheme of the permafrost carbon feedback loop (Photo: Alfred Wegener Institut) Today, we know that syngenetic freezing of organic matter over a period of thousands

Expedition with RV Maria S. Merain to the AWI Hausgarten

22 scientific expedition participants around deep-sea biologist Dr Thomas Soltwedel from the Alfred Wegener Institute is currently conducting research on board RV Maria S. Merian in the so-called AWI

Lupinemeal is a sustainable and low-cost alternative to fishmeal in fish food

Aquaculture research
Researchers at the Alfred Wegener Institute and the Technologie-Transfer-Zentrum Bremerhaven have taken a major step forward in their search for an alternative to fishmeal, an expensive

Minister President Albig visits the AWI Helgoland

Helgoland. During this year's summer trip he was guest at the Open Sea School laboratory of the Alfred Wegener Institute last Friday.