The group
Christian Buschbaum
Why do species and communities of coastal ecosystesm show specific patterns in their occurrence, what are the underlying processes and do overall principles for different ecosystems exist? These are the primary questions of my research. My particular interest focuses on species interactions in temperate and Arctic regions and on the effects alien marine organisms on native coastal ecosystems.
Dago Lackschewitz (Post Doc)
studied biology at the universities of Bremen and Göttingen and did her PhD thesis at the Max-Planck-Institute f. exp. Medizin, Göttingen. She continued studying at Yale University, New Haven and University of South Florida, St. Petersburg. In 1992 she was employed at Wadden Sea Station Sylt focusing on coastal biota and Wadden Sea ecosystems. Since 2009 she is involved in a rapid assessment survey of introduced marine species (neobiota) in German coastal waters at Alfred-Wegener-Institute.
Tobias Dolch
Tobias studied Geography with the study focus ‘Ecology and Environmental Science’ at the University of Bonn and at Monash University, Melbourne. After his studies he had worked for the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde before he went to the Wadden Sea Station Sylt of the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) in 2004. He did his PhD on the analysis of morphodynamics and habitat changes in the Wadden Sea and obtained his degree in Physical Geography in 2008. Tobias works in coastal ecology and focuses on the current status and long-term development of intertidal seagrass beds.
Dr. Christian Buschbaum
Dr. Mathias Wegner
Dr. Dagmar Lackschewitz
Ana Lokmer
Marieke Feis
Felicitas Demann
Jonas Geburzi
Master Students:
Technical Assistance:
Kaibil Wolf
Sonja Anslinger