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11. June 2020
Short news


Scientists around the world express solidarity with people of black color, many of which experience discrimination on a daily basis and are harmed by racism. At AWI we strive for diversity and equality of opportunity, and we stand against racism. We recognise that it is a long journey to full inclusiveness, and that we all have a task in getting there. The journey starts with recognising and reflecting structural deficits and behavioural patterns, with speaking up and with committing deeply to equality and social justice.
03. June 2020
Short news

Time for a "Coffee Break"

The Instagram live format "Coffee Break" is going into the next round: returnees of the MOSAiC expedition report live about their experiences in the Central Arctic. On June 4th, from 4 p.m., Julia Wenzel and Anja Sommerfeld chat over a cup of coffee about their experiences during the expedition on the MOSAiC Instagram channel @mosaic_expedition. Here's a look back at the latest issue of Coffee Break.
AWI-Wissenschaftler Bernadette Pogoda wurde für ihr Projekt von der UN-Dekade Biologische Vielfalt ausgezeichnet
27. May 2020
Press release

AWI project for marine nature conservation and biodiversity wins award

The Alfred Wegener Institute’s project to “establish the sustainable production of seed oysters for a long-term reintroduction programme (PROCEED)” has now been named an official project of the UN Decade on Biodiversity. This honour is bestowed upon outstanding projects intended to preserve Germany’s biodiversity.
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MOSAiC Leg 4 participants board RV Maria S. Merian vessel in Bremerhaven. May 18, 2020, Bremerhaven
18. May 2020
Online news

New MOSAiC team now bound for the Arctic

Late Monday morning, the time had come: the German research vessels Maria S. Merian and Sonne departed Bremerhaven, headed for the Arctic. In addition to the ship’s crews, roughly 100 passengers were on board: researchers and Polarstern crewmembers. The two ships will tentatively rendezvous with the Polarstern near Svalbard this weekend, so that their passengers can relieve the current MOSAiC team. A substantial amount of scientific material, equipment and provisions will also be transferred.
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: Open place in the ice of a lake in Fairbanks, Alaska, kept open by constant methane emissions from the lake bottom
11. May 2020
Online news

New method for gauging methane release from Arctic lakes

Lakes in the northernmost latitudes are widely considered to be a significant source of the greenhouse gas methane. In order to improve currently available climate-change projection models, it’s essential to have some idea of how much methane will be released by the millions of northern lakes. A German-American research team led by the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), which also included members from the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), has now developed a method for determining the amount of methane…
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Multibox Corer on board of Polarstern
07. May 2020
Press release

Benthos in the Antarctic Weddell Sea in decline

Over the past quarter-century, changes in Antarctic sea-ice cover have had profound impacts on life on the ocean floor. As biologists from the Alfred Wegener Institute report in the latest issue of the journal Nature Communications, between 1988 and 2014, total benthic biomass on the continental shelf of the northeast Weddell Sea declined by two thirds. In addition, the composition of the benthos changed drastically, and the ecosystem’s productivity suffered. This period coincides with a significant increase in sea-ice cover in the region, a trend that…
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05. May 2020
Short news

Coffee Break: MOSAiC participants report live on Instagram

The live format "Coffee Break" goes into the next round: participants of the MOSAiC expedition report live on Instagram of their experiences in the Central Arctic. On May 7, from 4 p.m., Giulia Castellani and Ivo Beck chat over a cup of coffee about everyday life on a research ship and life on the polar night on the MOSAiC Instagram channel @mosaic_expedition. This Instagram live video enables viewers to be actively involved and to ask the speakers questions interactively.
Researchers from AWI examine landscape changes caused by thawing of ice-rich permafros
04. May 2020
Online news

Why permafrost might thaw sooner than expected

Experts from the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU) and the University of Oslo have determined that much of the permafrost that is currently still very cold might disappear by the end of the century. What’s new about their simulations: the inclusion of thermokarst processes. The outcomes of the study have just been released in the journal Nature Communications.    
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A sponge is sampled directly by the ROV, still attached to the substrate nodule
29. April 2020
Press release

Simulated deep-sea mining affects ecosystem functions at the seafloor

Deep-sea mining could provide a way to address the increasing need for rare metals. However, its environmental impact is only partially known. In addition, there is a lack of clear standards to regulate mining and set binding thresholds for the impact on the organisms living in affected areas. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology together with colleagues at the Alfred Wegener Institute, the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, and other institutes now describe that deep-sea mining-related disturbances also have a…
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Ocean City mit der Polarstern im Hintergrund
24. April 2020
Press release

Alternative resupply plan for Polarstern now in place

Despite the current challenges, the MOSAiC expedition will continue. After many national borders were closed in response to the coronavirus pandemic, one team transfer had to be postponed. But thanks to new alternative plans supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the German Research Foundation and the operators of the German research fleet as well as the dedicated work of the expedition team currently on board, MOSAiC will soon enter its next phase. An interim review of the project shows: the data to be gathered over the next…
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